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Articles from the March 19, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 35

  • Schools closed for at least three weeks

    Cindy Glasson|Mar 19, 2020

    After the issuing of a press release from Governor Mark Gordon and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow, all schools in Hot Springs County School District #1 will remain closed through April third to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the Coronavirus. Superintendent Dustin Hunt consulted with our county health official and state infectious disease officials before making the decision. Whether or not the schools remain closed after the April third date will be reassessed la... Full story

  • National Pi Day

    Mar 19, 2020

    Thermopolis Middle School students exercised their math skills during a Voices assembly competition last Friday. Winners got to put a pie of cream in a student's face. Jada Griffith gave Taylor Ivie a good coating of cream on her face as other students enjoyed the show.... Full story

  • Business as usual for commissioners

    Cindy Glasson|Mar 19, 2020

    The Hot Springs County Commissioners went ahead and conducted their meeting on Tuesday afternoon, however, in keeping with Governor Mark Gordon’s recommendation, no more than 10 people were allowed in the room at one time. In Barb Rice’s report on Youth Alternatives she said she currently has 19 in the program, but with the governor’s recommendations regarding large groups she’s only working with a couple of kids at a time until school reconvenes. Her biggest concern is many of the kids in the...

  • Health officer orders closure of Wyoming businesses

    Mar 19, 2020

    A 19th case of coronavirus was reported in Wyoming on Friday as the state’s residents adjusted to the state health officer's ordered closure of bars, museums, fitness clubs and other businesses in the state that tend to draw crowds. The Wyoming Health Department reported that a new case of COVID-19 -- the county's ninth -- was reported in Fremont County. No other information about the case was immediately available. The diagnosis came after Dr. Alexia Harrist issued the closure order Thursday to slow the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 in a... Full story

  • Stocking up

    Mar 19, 2020

    Within hours of receiving a shipment of merchandise, Family Dollar once again sold out of toilet paper. Lines were long and shoppers were determined to get their share. Thermopolis Police Officer Pat Cornwell was on scene to help with crowd control and to keep the peace. COVID-19 has people panic buying all across the country and the world....

  • Lodging tax bill explained

    Cindy Glasson|Mar 19, 2020

    A Joint Appropriations Bill, HB134, Wyoming Tourism Account Funding, will become official Jan. 1, 2021. The bill imposes a 5% statewide lodging tax with 3% dedicated to tourism and 2% replacing the existing 2% optional local tax. Local residents do not pay the lodging tax, rather those who travel around the state staying in hotels, campgrounds and vacation rentals pay the tax. Along with the 5%, local Travel and Tourism entities may add another 2% option, renewable every four years. Eighty-perce...

  • Closed to the public

    Mar 19, 2020

    Town of Thermopolis announced on Tuesday that all town buildings have been closed to the public. Utility or Municipal Court payments can still be made through the mail or deposited into the drop boxes. Business that must be conducted in person will be done by appointment only. If you need to make an appointment, please call 864-3838. In addition, you may visit their website at to view the staff directory by department and email your information to the appropriate staff... Full story

  • On the record

    Mar 19, 2020

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Correction Charlee Slagle was incorrectly identified as her sister, Austin, in last week’s front page photo. Sheriff’s Office Thursday, March 12 10:03 a.m. Deputy observed a urine analysis for the Department of Family Services....

  • Keeping the peace

    Mar 19, 2020

    Thermopolis Police Officer Pat Cornwell was requested to provide civil standby at Family Dollar on Monday to assist with crowd control and keeping the peace. The store had recently gotten a truck load of products, including toilet paper, and shoppers were somewhat aggressive about making sure they got their product. Randi Miramontes was very calm and happy as she purchased her one package of toilet paper.... Full story

  • Rep. Winter comments on legislature progress

    Cindy Glasson|Mar 19, 2020

    State Representative John Winter spent time summarizing some of the bills that have come before the House and the Senate during this 2020 Budget Session in Cheyenne. While Winter’s bill, HB35 Wolf Depredation Compensation, failed introduction, an amendment was introduced to reconsider in the budget itself for funding and ended up gaining $45,000 for the coming biennium. HB33, Agricultural Land Qualification, also failed introduction. The bill would have required land operators prove a...

  • Senator Agar announces he will not seek second term

    Mar 19, 2020

    State Senator Wyatt Agar has announced he will not be running for a second term for the District 20 Senate seat in the 2020 election. Agar cited increased responsibilities of family, ranching, and the family business as contributing factors to his decision. “During my time serving I have been extremely introspective and judicious regarding which bills I signed on to sponsor. It has been my intent for my name to be associated with state changes that were meaningful, beneficial and aligned with the values of the people,” Agar added in his wri...

  • Whitt honored

    Mar 19, 2020

    Mark Whitt is the recipient of the Wyoming Chapter National Football Foundations Outstanding Contributions to Amateur Football Award. “Mark, like so many of our honorees, is a long-standing member of his community,” his nomination letter states. “Mark graduated from Hot Springs County High School in 1975 and participated in football and swimming. “In his community he has coached Youth Baseball for twenty-six year; is an active member of the Bobcat Booster Club an past Chairman. He helped to form the Bobcat Hall of Fame and is the current...

  • ArtStroll attire

    Mar 19, 2020

    Naomi Bishop, Sydney McGinty and Stephanie Butcher all wear authentic designs created by Rita Bishop for the Second Friday ArtStroll at the Kirby Creek Mercantile. Bishop also displayed her custom made jewelry.... Full story

  • Searle crowned

    Mar 19, 2020

    Donna Searle, 7, competed in the 2020 Wyoming All American Girl Pageant and was crowned Little Miss Queen, Miss Congeniality, won overall fun fashion and runner up in talent. She will represent Wyoming in Las Vegas this August in the All American Girl Pageant Searle competes in Little Miss Wyoming Scholarship Pageants all over the state. She won Little Miss Hot Springs County and has tallied up 15 different titles from across the state....

  • Community responds to COVID-19 warnings

    Mar 19, 2020

    With the threat of the spread of COVID-19, state, local and federal officials are calling for the cancellation or postponement of all gatherings of people numbering 50 or more. Many things in Hot Springs County are cancelled as of this moment, while others are being rescheduled for a later date. The Hot Springs County School District cancelled all classes at the three schools through April third. At that time they will determine if classes will resume or schools continue to be closed. The cancellation of school also means the cancellation of... Full story

  • Overview - Time for generosity

    Mar 19, 2020

    It may seem that our cousins in the big cities are over-reacting but a time of crisis generally brings out the best in people who live in small communities. While some of our neighbors may be excessively worried, the level-headed will continue to do, what they can do, with the resources they have. This is a time for generosity and leadership and almost everyone can help. Start by taking notes. Create a list of your neighbors, their telephone numbers and addresses. If they don’t want your help, that’s fine, there are plenty of people who will ap...

  • Thank you for the opportunity

    Mar 19, 2020

    For nearly fifteen years, I’ve had the privilege and opportunity to be involved with the HSCHS wrestling program from being a fan, volunteer coach, and contributor for the local IR. In all of those functions, I have met a goodly number of parents, coaches, wrestlers, students, and journalists that have been such a blessing. Last year saw the end of my time to have any coaching or daily contact with the team; this year is the last year for me to write of the successes and yes, the failures, of the program and its participants. I would like to t...

  • Community chatter

    Mar 19, 2020

    Your local Public Health and the Hot Springs County Prevention Coalition have been busy. Who are these people and what have they been up to? Prevention takes a community effort and the coalition is working together to bring health, wellness and positive change to our community. You may be familiar with our local Public Health office, but did you know they work closely with the Hot Springs County Prevention Coalition? Your local prevention coalition is a community group made up from different agencies as well as individual community members....

  • Barbara Elmeta (Beaver) Valentine

    Mar 19, 2020

    Longtime Thermopolis resident, Barbara Elmeta (Beaver) Valentine, 87, passed away March 9, 2020, in Casper, Wyo., at Casper Mountain Rehabilitation and Care Center following a long battle with vascular dementia and congestive heart failure. Barbara was born on a homestead west of Thermopolis to Alma Grace (Lawrence) Beaver and Clifford Owen Beaver on July 22, 1932. She was the youngest of three sisters. She attended Thermopolis schools, and along with her older sister Dode earned a GED later in... Full story

  • Hospital updates precautions

    Mar 19, 2020

    Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital has updated its precautions at the facility due to the Coronavirus. At this time, they are allowing no visitors at the hospital. According to a press release, the facility is stopping visitation to protect the public, their patients and staff from potential infection. If you have brought a patient in and are waiting for them to be finished, the hospital is asking that you please leave the lobby and they will notify you when the patient is ready for pick up. Those who have appointments at the hospital are...

  • Governor issues closure order

    Mar 19, 2020

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 19, 2020 Governor Gordon and State Health Officer issue statewide closure order for public spaces CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Mark Gordon has endorsed a decision by the Wyoming State Health Officer to close public places for a two-week period to help slow the community spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). The closure order extends through April 3 and includes schools, theaters, bars, nightclubs, coffee shops, employee cafeterias, self-serve buffets, salad bars, unpackaged self-serve food services, gyms, conference rooms a... Full story

  • Parent Teachers Conference

    Mar 19, 2020

    Thermopolis Middle School held their Parent Teachers Conference last Tuesday in the TMS commons. Teachers and families gathered to discuss individual student grades.... Full story

  • Senior center closed due to vulnerability levels

    Mar 19, 2020

    According to a press release from the Hot Springs County Senior Citizens Center director Trenda Moore, those who frequent the center are the most vulnerable population to this virus. Therefore, it has been strongly recommended they stop the attendance at the center and not endanger any of those who use the center. To that end, the center will be closed for all activities and congregate meals until further notice. Moore said they will be doing any and all home delivered meals and anyone desiring a meal daily may pick one up each day. You are...

  • Shamrock Shuffle

    Mar 19, 2020

    With a large turnout on Saturday, March 14, many dressed up in St. Patrick's Day attire and ran a 5k run starting at the high school track and went into Hot Springs State Park.... Full story

  • Basketball players honored

    Mar 19, 2020

    Even though State Competitions were cancelled last weekend, All State and All Conference basketball players were announced by the Wyoming Coaches Association. For the boys, Bobcats Duder Harvey and Jarron Mortimore were named 3A Boys All Conference for 2020. Lady Cats Ashley McPhie and McKenna Bomengen were both named to 3A All Conference and McPhie was also named 3A All State....

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