Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 26
Braxton Larson and Boden Deromedi enjoy the swing set during recess at Ralph Witters Elementary on Monday....
Governor Mark Gordon announced Wyoming will remove its statewide mask requirement and allow bars, restaurants, theaters and gyms to resume normal operations on March 16. Wyoming has seen a declining number of active COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, and has seen significant success rolling out the vaccine, with the state’s most vulnerable residents having access to the vaccine. The Governor continues to encourage Wyomingites to wear face coverings in indoor public spaces and to follow the best practices adopted by any business they visit t...
At the Thermopolis Town Council meeting on March 2, Meri Ann Rush and Howie Samelson, representing Main Street Thermopolis, requested street closure for the Brewfest event occurring on Saturday, June 5. The event is from 4-8 p.m. with the closure starting at noon so the vendors can set up and with closure ending at 9 p.m. They asked for extra barricades to help make things secure and prevent people from driving through. The event is for both food and non-food vendors. There will be a corn hole t...
At Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting on March 2, County Health Nurse Tricia McPhie gave her report saying the maternal-child health position is still open and they are starting to receive applications. The advertising they paid through the Wyoming Nursing Magazine has recently gone out. Scheduling interviews will be next once they receive more candidates. McPhie said that the Department of Health has finally distributed numbers for the maternal-child health contract. She will present...
A cow cleans off her new calf in a pasture on West Sunnyside Lane. Calving season is in full swing for area producers....
A fisherman casts his line in the Bighorn River over the weekend as his faithful companions keep close watch....
On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest Sheriff’s Office Tuesday, March 2 1:07 p.m. Report of a medical call where deputies stood by an 85-year-old male waiting for the ambulance to pick him up. 7:30 p.m. Report of a medical at the detention center involving a 30-ye...
Officer Mike Mascorro recently gave a drug awareness presentation to Thermopolis high school freshmen for their health classes. This is now Mascorro’s third year in giving this education. He showed some videos about what hard drugs do and also about vaping and nicotine. At the end of his speaking and questions and answers with the students, Mascorro showed them mock fake drugs or props that are similar to what they look like in real life. This helps the students know how to recognize them if a...
Wyoming youths are invited to participate in a virtual career night hosted by University of Wyoming Extension starting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 23. Youths can choose from six different career tracks in animal science, business, health and education, natural resources, trades and wild and crazy. Each track features four industry professionals who will provide insights into their careers and how they got there, shared Amber Armajo, Washakie County 4-H educator. “We have been doing this for a couple of years now as part of WESTI Ag Days,” sai...
Brad Becerra recently opened up his auto detailing business called Precision Detail. Becerra said he wanted to do an auto detail business before he was deployed to Afghanistan. He and his wife were looking for a place to put it and end up deciding to run it out of his garage at home. They bought the property next to their house and plan on building a shop there in the future. Precision Detail is located at 1116 Amoretti and is available by appointment only. Becerra is able to do a car or two a...
Thermopolis FFA members competed in the District Speech contest on March 2. Tucker Lake took first in Creed speaking and Kaia Galovich came in third. Brooklynn Williams also competed. Rebekah Johnson came in first in Extemporaneous speaking. Ruthanne Johnson and Lexi Overfield also competed. Students will be competing at the Regional Speech Contest on March 16 at the Days Inn at 1 p.m. FFA members will be competing in several upcoming state contests and state convention in April....
When the 4-H and FFA programs started in 1902 and 1928, respectively, they were intended to help rural youngsters learn production and record keeping best practices. In those early days it was predominantly hands-on work and production agriculture, although 4-H had many so-called girls’ programs, like sewing, cooking and baking. As the years passed and there were fewer and fewer people on farms and ranches, and more emphasis was placed on young people getting a college education, the clubs faded in popularity in many areas. However, there w... Full story
I read with interest the recent articles in the Independent Record regarding the need for some dumpster replacements. In fact, maybe most of them. It seems that the CI (Capital Improvements) monthly fee of $5 per customer which we have been paying for many years now would have accrued quite a nest egg by now. What better use would CI of $5 be than equipment replacement costs such as this. I know I don’t need to point out that the yearly raises in the water, sewer and sanitation are getting more burdensome all the time. Everything we purchase i...
Carl Obe Dockery, 84, passed away on March 2, 2021. Carl was born on September 19, 1936, in Thermopolis, Wyo., to Clifford and Edna (Ready) Dockery. After high school, Carl worked on the Arapahoe ranch with his father, and he then went on to work with the Pitchfork at Meeteetse, George Woods on No Wood River at Ten Sleep, Spratts at Lost Cabin, Antler Ranch, Montana, Kennedy and Brown north of Sheridan, Powder River at Arvada, Paul Axtell east of Thermopolis, and Landis Webber West of...
Joyce Dierks passed away on Sunday, January 31, 2021, in Basin, Wyo. Joyce was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to George N. and Winifred E. Myers on January 4, 1931. Due to her father's career in the U.S. Army, the family lived in various places during Joyce's growing up years including Texas, Louisiana, Hawaii and Wyoming. She graduated from Sheridan High School in 1949. Joyce married Dale Maxwell that same year. They had two children, John Robert and Jenny Lynn. They later divorced and Joyce met...
Joe Daniels of Medicine Bow, Wyo., passed away suddenly on January 22, 2021, in Yuma Arizona where he spent his winters following retirement. Joe was born on May 20, 1937, in Arnold, Neb., to Forrest and Marie (Troyer) Daniels. He welcomed two brothers, Robert and James. In 1946 the Daniels family bought a place on Owl Creek in Thermopolis. Two sisters were later welcomed to the family, Veva and Vikki. Joe Graduated high school in Thermopolis in 1955 and later attended Casper College. Before...
During a recent Thermopolis Rotary Club meeting, Ray Shaffer presented information and updates on the H Diamond W 4-H Youth Camp and the Pioneer Association and their work with the Hot Springs County Museum....
There will be a Cookie Jar Auction benefit for Alice Oneyear on March 13 at the VFW Post 2281 with a donation dinner at 5:30 p.m. The auction will follow the dinner. Alice is currently battling stage 4 Lung Cancer, she has completed three weeks of chemotherapy and is currently undergoing radiation treatments five days a week. This will continue for seven weeks with future treatment ahead. She has an aggressive cancer that has metastasized to her ribs and lymph nodes. Ken Ivie will be preparing smoked pulled pork sandwiches and smoked beans....
The Bobcat Speech and Debate team took second place in 1A/2A at the Worland tournament this weekend. “It was a big tournament with teams from four different states and a super competitive field. It was a great warm up for State next week,” said head coach Lyle Wiley Delayni Custer broke into semifinals in her first attempt at an Original Oratory and finished in the top ten. Jean-Luc Willson and Jacob Randall went all the way to the finals in Policy Debate and finished with a 4-2 record. They took second place in a super competitive group of...
Thermopolis Wrestling Club members competed in tournaments over the weekend. Meet Me On The Mat tournament Folkstyle results include: 6U PeeWee 43-46 Halen Lahoe placed 1st and scored 18 team points. 8U Bantam 40-45 Gabe Ryay placed 1st and scored 16 team points. 8U Bantam 64-70 Bain Lahoe placed 3rd and scored 15 team points. 8U Bantam 78-80 Kade Enis placed 2nd. 10U Intermediate 75-82 Trenton Enis placed 3rd and scored 13 team points. 12U Novice 102-107 Cannon Boren placed 2nd and scored 14 team points. 14U Schoolboy/Girl 76-83 Lilly...
The Lady Cats fell to Douglas in the first round of 3A Regional Basketball action last Thursday. Douglas is undefeated on the year and the girls gave everything they had in the game yet ended up falling by a final score of 77-26. Kamry Bowman led the way with 11 points, all coming in the first half, despite drawing Douglas’ best defenders. Bowman finished the night with 3 assists and 2 steals. Julie Johnson added 6 points in the contest to go along with 2 steals and 2 blocks in a productive game. Layne Myers had 5 points on 2 of 3 shooting. L...
Last Sunday the temperature hit 60 degrees in Thermopolis. Hot Springs State Park was filled with people enjoying the warm weather, including these two skateboarders who took advantage of the snow free sidewalks....
Sunday’s NBHA Barrel Racing results include: Open 1D – Nick Comes, 15.305; Emme Norsworthy, 15.386; Jerrie Slagle, 15.435; Brenda Sims, 15.483; Kaitlyn Snelling, 15.751 2D – Desiree Cooper, 15.870; Baylie Mulholland, 15.904; Danielle Calder, 16.152; Jalee Brwon, 16.211 3D – Brenda Sims, 16.381; Taylor Malcom, 16.494; Kyndra Goton, 16.559; Missy Muellerleile, 16.7; Missy Muellerleile, 16.703; Nick Comes, 16.762; Mandy McKim, 16.796; Jalee Brown, 16.890 4D – Kaitlyn Schmuck, 17.308; Billie Jo Norsworthy, 17.322; Jerrie Slagle, 17.433; Jody Camp...
Vaccination pre-registration is now open to more Hot Springs County residents as our county moves into COVID-19 Vaccine Phase 1c. This makes the vaccine available to all residents age 50 and over. New medical conditions have been added as well. These are moderate to severe asthma, hypertension or high blood pressure, liver disease, overweight individuals with a BMI of 25 or higher and people who have Thalassemia. Residents of congregate living settings have been added to include people living in dorms, shelters, group homes, and corrections...
by Stephen Dow The Sheridan Press Via Wyoming News Exchange SHERIDAN — On third reading Friday, the Wyoming House defeated a bill some legislators said would limit government transparency by moving public notices out of newspapers. “I’m not quite there with the notion that we pull the funding that makes sure that we get information out to our public,” Sen. Bill Landen, R-Casper, said. Senate File 17, sponsored by the Senate Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee, would have allowed cities, towns, counties and school...