Sorted by date Results 26 - 45 of 45
The Bobcat Speech and Debate Team had a mixed bag of success last weekend at the Worlando Beach tournament in Worland, bringing home fifth place in 3A. While seven of the team members made the cut for semi-finals, all but one, Katie Burrows, didn’t garner the scores to take them to finals. Burrows, who went into semis ranked fourth, came out of finals with a fourth place finish, bringing home the only award for the team. Burrows and her duet partner, Ashley Brawley missed finals by just three points as did Hannah Hu in oratory. Hu also fell s...
Last Saturday, the Thermopolis Middle School MathCounts team of eighth-graders Josiah Butler and Jacob Randall and seventh-graders Owen McCumber and Lexi Overfield competed at the state competition. Coach Stephanie Metz said the students did well at the competition, but did not have their exact placing as only the teams in the top five percent are recorded. However, in terms of individual achievement, Butler placed among the top 25 percent of students. This was the third year Butler has...
The Hot Springs County Rec District Adult Basketball League had its fifth round of games on Feb. 28, with the Red Rock team maintaining its undefeated streak after a 63-52 victory over Vicklund Pharmacy. Top scorers were Paul Collamer with 24 points for Red Rock and Steth Daniels with 19 points for Vicklund. The day also saw the first victory for Hoosier Daddy, with a 52-28 win over Carquest. Top scorers were Jake Korte with 20 points for Hoosier and Joe Mounts with 13 points for Carquest. Also during the evening’s games, One Hill of a C...
The Hot Springs County Cemetery District has opened bids for the construction of an expansion project at Monument Hill Cemetery. Included in the project is rock removal and site preparation for an eastern expansion of the cemetery, approximately up to 279 feet by 400 feet or 2.6 acres. Cemetery District chair, Basil Sorensen, said the boundaries of the cemetery are not being changed; the project is still within the established fence line. However, in the southeast corner there is a lot of travertine rock which can’t be broken up with the e...
A couple customers browse the wares at the annual pie and rummage sale hosted by the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church women last Saturday,...
The Hot Springs County 4-H program provides ample opportunity for youth to get involved in a variety of projects. But without volunteers stepping up to be leaders for these activities, many kids interested in these projects aren’t able to pursue them. Joey Johnson, the University of Wyoming Extension educator, 4-H/Youth, said leaders are needed for the project areas of crocheting, entomology, gardening, goats, leathercraft, nature and ecology, pocket pets, poultry, robotics, swine, wildlife a...
Everyone could use a little mystery in their life and the Big Horn Basin Riders (BHBR) are going to provide you an evening with a bit of mystery and lots of fun. The Masquerade Freedom Ball will be held on Saturday, March 17, starting at 7 p.m. at the VFW, featuring a DJ from San Francisco along with baked goods, a 50/50 raffle, roses for your sweetheart and BHBR glasses and bandanas for sale. As a casual evening, you can dress up or dress down, but bring your dancing shoes. The event is being held as a fundraiser for the group to help send car...
Among the organizations in town providing assistance is the local chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha (ESA). Cindy Magelky, who is the treasurer and philanthropic chair for the local ESA chapter and the current president at the state level, explained it is a service organization working to make a difference for others. On the local level, one of the projects is sponsoring the Carma J. Simon Memorial Scholarship for graduating seniors. ESA also puts together Thanksgiving food baskets and Christmas gif...
Mother Nature has been giving us hints that spring is soon to be upon us and with those warmer weather conditions come critters that have been hiding away during the cold months. One of those waiting to make their appearance is the rattlesnake. Although normally not aggressive, a rattlesnake will strike, or bite, when it is disturbed, provoked or threatened. As a cold-blooded creature, they will seek out the warmth of a sunny rock or even the middle of the road after a cool night in an attempt to warm their bodies. Folks who walk backroads or e...
The Hot Springs Conservation District and Hot Springs County Planning Office will be conducting a grant program for individual water quality enhancement projects. Qualifying project may include, but are not limited to irrigation improvements, ditch improvements, solar well or replacement of septic systems. Individual grants will be for no more than fifty percent of the cost of the improvement, and each individual grand cannot exceet $2,000. Criteria for grant awards will be primarily the project’s ability to improve groundwater or surface water...
Hayden Mayne accepts a trophy from Catelyn Deromedi as the second place finisher in the Thermopolis Middle School Spelling Bee. Other award winners were Josiah Butler, first place, and Madeline Wagler, third place....
Music filled Exxon Southside Travel Center Friday night with the members of the acoustic jam meeting up and playing some crowd favorites. One spectator brought along a tambourine and joined in and a few customers of the convenience store were drawn to the tunes....
We’re still getting the occasional snow here, but they’re certainly not lasting as long or covering the ground for days at a time. Tim Troutman with the National Weather Service office in Riverton said the forecast shows near normal precipitation for the area through the middle part of the month, and temperatures are going to show signs of warming. Getting closer to spring, he said, it looks like there will be slightly above normal temperatures. Through the end of the weekend, we’re going to be...
The Hot Springs County Republican Convention will be held on Saturday, March 10 at 9 a.m. at Big Horn Federal. The caucuses were Feb. 17, during which 60 convention delegates were chosen. Their job will be to unify precinct suggestions into the county’s recommendations. The recommendations will them be presented as Hot Springs County’s proposal for consideration during the Wyoming State Republican Convention in Laramie on April 21. For more information on the convention, call 864-3929....
Hot Springs County Weed & Pest and the University of Wyoming Extension Office will conduct private applicator training on Tuesday, March 13 at 10 a.m. at the Weed & Pest Office, 711 Springview. The training is for pesticide private applicator certification and includes rules, regulations, record keeping requirements, safety, label reading and understanding. For more information, contact HSC Weed & Pest at 864-2278 or the Extension Office at 864-3421....
A Thermopolis Community Blood Drive is scheduled for Monday, March 12 from 3-7 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Senior Center. The goal is to collect 30 pints of blood. To make an appointment go to and use sponsor code Thermopolis or contact Melene Mierzejewski at 307-240-1414. You can also save time by going online to the day you donate, clicking on Fast Track, completing the questionnaire and printing your ticket. Donors should also bring a photo ID and donor card....
Though the weather is still chilly and the ground not yet completely thawed, the Red Dirt Master Gardeners want to make sure you’re ready for the upcoming planting season. Following their monthly meeting on March 13 at 4 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Library, the Gardeners will host a special public presentation by Caitlyn Youngquist, the University of Wyoming Extension agent at Worland, on soil preservation and how to get the most out of your garden this year. Youngquist will bring some soil samples, to give people a bit of hands on e...
Hot Springs County Emergency Management is kicking of a County River and Stream Awareness program this week. Emergency Management director Bill Gordon felt keeping the public informed about the water levels in the Big Horn River and surrounding streams could help mitigate any potential emergency rescues from the river as well as help farmers and ranchers in the area to know when waters may rise near their pastures. Using a simple signage system and a series of colors, Gordon can release...
Deputy Jeremie Kraushaar visits with middle school students about the dispatch area of the Law Enforcement Center. Students were also given tours of court areas and the Hot Springs County Detention Center....
(March 8, 2018, Cheyenne) The Wyoming Republican Party Executive Committee met via teleconference on March 7, 2018. The committee is comprised of the state party officers plus seven State Central Committee (SCC) members from around the state. The Executive Committee followed Robert's Rules of Order to conduct the meeting. Two motions were made. The first was a motion to suspend the duties, powers, and responsibilities of party secretary Charles Curley. The second motion directed Chairman W. Frank Eathorne to set a meeting of the SCC for the pur...