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Articles from the February 10, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 25

  • Summer internship offered at HSH

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 10, 2022

    Hot Springs Health is now offering a summer internship for high school students. The internship is a paid temporary part-time position that lasts eight weeks from June 6 through July 29 for 20 hours per week. There are two spots available. The internship opportunity is being spearheaded by new Chief Clinical Officer Scott Alwin, who started his position on December 13. He worked prior in healthcare in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Alwin explained, “Part of our strategic plan on the area of growth is l...

  • No coat needed

    Feb 10, 2022

    Whitney Love and Elise Krueger enjoy a beautiful afternoon of swinging at the wooden play park last weekend. The uncharacteristically warm February weather crept up into the 40s, making it a great weekend to spend outdoors....

  • Tipi Retreat owners file lawsuit naming county commissioners as defendants

    Feb 10, 2022

    The Tipi Retreat LLC, Michele and Michael Stevens, plaintiffs, through counsel Hathaway & Kunz LLP, filed a Complaint for Declaratory Judgment, Injunctive Relief, and Petition for Judicial Review against defendant, Hot Springs County Board of County Commissioners, a Wyoming governmental entity. The suit was filed with the Hot Springs County Fifth Judicial District Court on January 19. The Stevens’ are challenging the decision made by the county commissioners to not approve a request for a land use change from agricultural to commercial. The p...

  • Micky's Movie Theater

    Feb 10, 2022

    Layne Myers and Ruthann Johnson wait for their popcorn and drinks before heading in to catch last weeks opening movie, Spider-Man: No Way Home, at Micky's Movie Theater. The movie has been held over....

  • Council holds brief meeting

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 10, 2022

    The February 1 Thermopolis Town Council meeting was a very brief meeting. Town Engineer Anthony Barnett reported there has been progress on the transfer station permit application. One of the matters mentioned was the WYDOT turning lane. Barnett also said they are still working on the DEQ water project. Chief of Police Pat Cornwell reported that new officer Dood Jaussaud has passed his physical exam to enter Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy. Town Attorney Mike Messenger presented the late fee...

  • Weigh & tag

    Feb 10, 2022

    Sunday, fair board member Arnold Pennoyer tags while first year 4-H member Teagan Allen holds her steer as he gets his official Wyoming State Fair tag on Sunday. The 4-H and FFA youth must get their market steers weighed and tagged with the official state tag in order to participate in county fair with their market project....

  • Agri science fair results

    Feb 10, 2022

    Thermopolis high school and middle school FFA students participated in the Agri Science Fair last week held in the high school gym. High School winners include: Animal Systems Division 5 - Morgan Slover Plant Systems Division 3 - Kaia Galovich Social Systems Division 4 - Kaitlin Barral & Jayda Griffin Environmental Natural Resources Division 4 - Tucker Lake & Kadence Bowman Division 5 - Lexi Overfield The middle school now has a new chapter named Thermopolis Big Spring, chartered in the fall of...

  • On the record

    Feb 10, 2022

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Tuesday, Feb. 1 7:38 a.m. Report of a controlled burn where dispatch was not properly notified. The deputy informed the subject they need to contact dispatch prior to starting a controlled burn. Wednesday, Feb. 2...

  • What I love about HSC Hot Springs State Park

    Feb 10, 2022

    My first memory of Hot Springs State Park is about 75 years ago when our parents brought us up from Cheyenne to play in the water and ride the wooden sleds into the pool. I loved it then and have loved it for all the ensuing years. Even during all the years I lived in Colorado, I brought my husband, my sons and my grandsons to our Hot Springs State Park and when I retired in 2000, I came home to stay in our wonderful Thermopolis. I live three blocks from the park and spend part of everyday enjoying its beauty and taking advantage of the...

  • Fireman's Ball Saturday at VFW

    Feb 10, 2022

    The 2022 Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department’s Fireman’s Ball will be Saturday, Feb. 12 at the VFW Club from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. The dance is free and open to the public. Rattlesnake Ridge of Worland will provide music. Donations packages were sent out to residents in the mail and will also be available at the door. Donations will go to help the department with the replacement, repair and purchase of new equipment. The department has 30 members that all volunteer their time, responding to hundreds of calls every year. The new equipment wil...

  • Great until 8! hits town Saturday

    Feb 10, 2022

    Main Street Thermopolis’ Great until 8! monthly shopping event takes place this Saturday, February 12. This second Saturday event showcases the businesses who are staying open until 8 p.m. or later in town. Since the first event in October, it has grown from 11 participanting businesses to 14. Shoppers have an opportunity to win a $100 gift certificate by entering a drawing. Shoppers can bring their receipts from the participating businesses, with the date and time of purchase on them, to Discover Thermopolis by 8:15 p.m. on Feb. 12. The $...

  • Movie theater reopens

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 10, 2022

    American past times such as going to movie theaters have evolved since the introduction of streaming services, the effects of the entertainment economy, and the threats of Covid illnesses. Here in Thermopolis, our movie theater has been shut down for almost two long years. There is a buzz and excitement that has returned to the people of our community because the movie theater is back! What was once known as The Ritz, the newly renamed Micky’s Theater has opened. Now locals can enjoy that b...

  • Esther Mae Bolton

    Feb 10, 2022

    Esther Mae Bolton, 86, was born in Thermopolis, Wyo., May 1, 1935, to Hester and Ruth (Baker) Davis. She lived on Upper Owl Creek attending county one-room schools, then graduated from Hot Springs County High School in 1953. While still in high school, Esther worked for Mountain Bell as a switchboard operator. After graduating, she attended Airline Training school in Omaha, Nebraska. After the Korean War, Esther married Ivan R. Blakesley in Thermopolis in June 1954. They lived in Thermopolis... Full story

  • Jerry Lou Slagle

    Feb 10, 2022

    Jerry Lou Slagle, 87, of Ogallala, Neb., passed away Tuesday, February 1, 2022, at the Ogallala Community Hospital. Jerry was born to John and Myrtle Slagle in Grant, Neb., on November 20, 1934, the oldest of four children, including Ted Slagle of Ogallala, Jeanne Sherman of Douglas, Wyo., and Max Slagle of Darwin, Australia. He married Nancy Shearer on August 28, 1955, and she preceded him in death. After college and a short stint in the US Army, he worked as an insurance claims adjuster in Ind... Full story

  • Ronald Joe Carswell

    Feb 10, 2022

    Ronald Joe Carswell passed away February 2, 2022, in Thermopolis, Wyo. Ron was born June 2, 1959 to Allen and Agatha (Grassl) Carswell in Casper, Wyo. The family moved to Thermopolis, Wyo., where he attended school in Hot Springs County and graduated from high school. After school he worked in the oil fields around the area until he started his own business in the 80s. He operated Ron's Welding and Pump Service until he retired a few years ago due to ill health. He is survived by his wife, Chery... Full story

  • Annetta Marie Juvan

    Feb 10, 2022

    Annetta Marie Juvan, 68, passed away Thursday, January 3, 2022, at Hot Springs Health in Thermopolis. One of four children of James and Doris (Klein) Arthur, she was born December 9, 1953, in Denver, Colo. In 1956 the family moved to Thermopolis ranching on Owl Creek. Later in life she moved to Kemmerer for a job and there met her future husband, Gary James Juvan. They were wed December 22, 1990. After Gary's death in 2007, Annette returned to Thermopolis. As a young girl she was active in 4-H a... Full story

  • Speech team first in Jackson

    Feb 10, 2022

    Bobcat Speech and Debate brought the fight to the two day Jackson Tournament last weekend. The Cats won first place in the 1A/2A Team Sweepstakes. Some of the impressive individual performances at the tourney, with almost 300 entries and 11 teams, include: Senior Jean-Luc Willson had a huge tournament. In Lincoln-Douglas debate, he advanced to the final round and placed second. He broke into the Semifinal round of Extemporaneous Debate, finishing in the top ten. Jean-Luc also finished sixth in Editorial Commentary. Senior Josiah Butler also...

  • Wrestling club places second

    Feb 10, 2022

    The Thermopolis Wrestling Club members competed at the Worland Wrestling Club Folkstyle last Saturday. The team placed second overall. Individual results include: 6U 36 - Nora Ryan, 2nd, 18 team points; Erik Polson 5th, 5 team points 6U 43 - Nash Bowker, 3rd, 22 team points 8U 49 - Gabe Ryan, 1st, 32 team points; Fletcher Lewis, 4th, 21 team points 8U 53 - Fletcher Lewis, 3rd, 18 team points 10U 49-53 - Aksel Polson, 2nd, 21.5 team points; Gabriel Ryan, 3rd, 18 team points 10U 56 - Talon Owsley, 1st, 24 team points 10U 63 - Dawson McLean...

  • Wrestlers endure busy week

    Samantha Zupan|Feb 10, 2022

    The Bobcat wrestling team had a busy schedule last week starting Tuesday in Cody. JoJo Crow and Zane Stam came away with the only wins for the evening with the Cats falling 63-18. Thursday was the Bobcats Senior night on their home turf. Seniors Wyatt McDermott, Austin Barral and Jarek Sorensen all walked away with wins. Brody Sorensen, Dalton Price, Ethan Crow, and Colter Price also had wins against Worland. As a team, the Bobcats lost to Worland, 48-24. Saturday at the Greybull Invitational the Bobcats had six placers. Ethan Crow at 126 lbs....

  • Basketball teams have tough week

    Feb 10, 2022

    Last week, the Lady Bobcats played at home Tuesday against Lander. The game started out strong in the first quarter, midway through the second the girls began to struggle getting the ball across the court. “Relying on each other as a team seemed to be the big effect with the Cats against Lander with mistakes snowballing against the Ladies as the game continued. The ability to sink shots became a struggle for the Cats as the game progressed,” said coach David Villa. The Cats had eleven deflections as a group that also hurt the Cats on Tue...

  • Middle school boys season progressing

    Samantha Zupan|Feb 10, 2022

    Thermopolis Middle School 8th grade Bobcats have had a busy and winning schedule. Last Monday the Bobcats played against Greybull with the final score of 53-27. The Bobcats fought hard and continued to sink baskets. Playing against Greybull the Bobcats only had one game and were able to utilize its bench and get all players play time. Defense was strong, only allowing 2 points in the 1st and 4 in the 3rd. Nine Bobcats were able to score during the game including sinking a few three pointers. Top scorers of the game were; Hastie with 10, Coale...

  • Owl Creek Graphics has new owners

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 10, 2022

    Owl Creek Graphics, located in downtown Thermopolis, has new owners. Will and Babie Robinson officially took over the business from Dan and Penny Herdt on January 28. The business is located at 527 Broadway Street. Will and Babie explained there are two focuses of their business. One is the retail side, where locals and tourists can purchase various clothes that have a variety of graphic designs or logos on them. There are t-shirts, a Carhartt section, Bobcat Pride clothing, University of...

  • Fundraiser planned for Jan Allen

    Feb 10, 2022

    A fundraising cookie jar auction for Jan Allen is being planned for Saturday, February 19. Allen is fighting stage 4 lung cancer. Dinner will be served at 5 p.m. with an auction to follow. Dinner and cookie jar donations are welcome. For more information, contact Nancy at 921-9661....

  • Historical society meeting features Mills

    Feb 10, 2022

    The next meeting of the Hot Springs County Historical Society is Saturday, February 12 at 2 p.m. The featured program will be “A Bridger Mystery: The Elopement of Ferdig and Sickafoose” presented by Terril Mills. The program discusses a search for an eloping couple that had been abandoned, but the mystery grew deeper. Apparently, they disappeared as completely as though the ground had opened and swallowed them. Come hear Mills unravel the mysterious disappearance of Sylvester Ferdig and Annabelle Sickafoose and what became of them. There cou...

  • Cardboard box fort

    Feb 10, 2022

    Boden Deromedi stands in front of his fort in the high school gym. After receiving a shipment of new workout equipment, high school students helped Boden create this fort and his "armor" from leftover cardboard boxes....

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