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Articles from the January 25, 2018 edition

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  • High school implements new cell phone rules

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jan 25, 2018

    If you have been inside Hot Springs County High School recently you may have noticed signs in the commons area that read “Cell Phone Free Zone” and wondered what was going on. According to Principal Breez Daniels, concerns from parents during the first semester were that students were using their cell phones too much at school and they were concerned the phone use was distracting students from learning. The biggest worry for parents, however, was bullying via cell phone text messages and soc...

  • Staff celebration

    Jan 25, 2018

    Ralph Witters Elementary teacher, Toby Emery, gets a few high fives from school staff after being named the second Bobcat Champion for Children for the 2017-18 school year. The recognition also puts Emery in the running for Teacher of the Year....

  • Goals being met at Ralph Witters Elementary

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jan 25, 2018

    At the start of the school year, staff at Ralph Witters Elementary (RWE) set a few goals and are well on their way to meeting those goals for the 2017-18 school year. The library went under a bit of renovation to create a special space for books dedicated to a reading leveling system. At the beginning of the year each student was assessed as to their placement within that reading system. Once their benchmark was set in the Fountas and Pinnell system, each student worked toward improving where...

  • Tri-County Telephone hearing Monday

    Jan 25, 2018

    The public is encouraged to attend a partial summary judgment hearing regarding the Tri-County Telephone co-operative and a sought after return of the co-operative to its members. The hearing will be at Percy Metz Courtroom, 1002 Sheridan Street in Cody, on Monday, Jan. 29. Though scheduled to begin at 11 a.m., people are asked to come early. Cell phones, purses, pocket knives and other weapons are not permitted in the courtroom. For more information, go online to

  • Pick a tune

    Jan 25, 2018

    Zieb Stetler picks a banjo during an acoustic jam session at Southside Travel Center. The jam sessions are a regular event at the business....

  • Mobile vet center coming

    Jan 25, 2018

    The Casper Mobile Vet Center (MVC) will be in Thermopolis to provide any Veteran, Service Member, service provider or veteran family member with information on Vet Center services and VA programs and benefits. Staff will be available to answer questions and assist with enrollment in readjustment counseling services, VA health care and other VA and Veteran specific programs. The MVC will be available on Thursday, Feb. 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Sixth and Broadway. Weather and maintenance can delay or cancel travel on short notice. Please...

  • Chamber to help liaison cycling event

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Jan 25, 2018

    Monday night at the Thermopolis Chamber of Commerce meeting, the board approved a motion to get involved as a community liaison for the upcoming Cycle Yellowstone event on Sunday, Aug. 12. Chamber Executive Director, Meri Ann Rush, said there will be 350 cyclists coming through. Starting in Cody, they will take the Gooseberry cutoff and stop at Wyoming Whiskey. Their headquarters will be the Fountain of Youth RV Park, and they are looking for an organization to be the community liaison. Among...

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