Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 37
Shortly before 8 p.m. Tuesday night, unofficial election results were released from the Hot Springs County Clerk's office. The results will put a few new faces in local offices come January, while we will see some familiar ones stay on board. Wyoming will have a new Governor in January as Republican Mark Gordon won the race in something of a landslide. A majority of the other state races came out pretty much as predicted. John Barrasso will continue in the US Senate, Liz Cheney was elected US... Full story
Kelly Wood, a ranger and educator from Yellowstone Rangers paid a visit to Ralph Witters Elementary on Friday to present valuable information regarding Yellowstone National Park to the fourth grade classes. Jonah Coleman, Hayden Johnson, Lane McMartin, Ayden Coleman-Weisz and Hayden Franklin take part in a segment using visual clues to get scientific information about some native animal skulls....
At their regular meeting Tuesday evening, the Thermopolis Town Council approved paying the utility costs for some new lights planned for the downtown area. Forrest Coleman-Weisz, who has been working to eliminate 14th Street as a route around the town from GPS mapping systems, explained he and Thermopolis Main Street have discussed putting up string lights downtown, running from the black lampposts to the building and back to the posts. The lights, which will be clear and Edison-style, will not...
Hot Springs County School District’s Board of Trustees held a special board meeting Nov. 1 to determine the course of action to be taken with a high school student. Once the meeting was called to order, the board went into executive session from 5:01 p.m. until 7:03 p.m. During the executive session, board members heard from administrators, parents and community members regarding the student and his past as well as future within the district. At the end of the executive session, the board v...
The Hot Springs County Commissioners tackled a couple of items that are going to need addressed soon at their meeting on Tuesday morning. County Assessor Dan Webber told the commissioners he would like to begin looking at a new county vehicle for the assessor’s use soon as the 2006 Trailblazer they are currently using has been having a lot of issues. Apparently, the engine light has been on for years but no mechanic has been able to figure out why. It began overheating on them this summer and a...
On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Sex offender registry Wyoming State Statute 7-19-303 (c) (ii) (iii) requires that residential neighbors within seven hundred fifty (750) feet of a registered sex offender’s residence be notified. If you are a property owner in this area it is your responsibility to notify any renter...
James Coates, left, congratulates Jeremie Kraushaar, who won the pumpkin carving contest during Hot Springs County Search and Rescue's Trunk or Treat....
Among the continuing issues in town is the number of stray cats and dogs seen roaming the streets and alleys. Animal Control Officer Ame Logwell said she’s been out trapping and lending traps on the weeks she is not available, and has noticed a significant drop in the number of stray cats where the traps are set. “We took 70 cats out of the town shop in August,” Longwell said, noting she also took 30 near a local business and numerous others at locations around town. She’s currently working on t...
The Second Friday ArtStroll/Still Strolling Saturday in downtown Thermopolis, November 9 and 10, features local talent of all ages set up in retail stores. Stroll hours on Friday evening are from 5-8 p.m. The ArtStroll continues Saturday from around 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (hours may vary). The Smoking Waters Art Guild invites you to stroll and enjoy new artists and old favorites this month. “We are excited to have several new artists participating in the Stroll”, guild member Suzanne Samelson explained. “And in addition to those artists – master...
Thermopolis Mayor Mike Mortimore presents a gift to outgoing town deputy clerk/treasurer Linda Hendrickson, who retired last month....
As we all gather ‘round the Christmas tree this holiday season, its good to keep in mind not everyone has the Merry Christmas we do. The Christmas Baskets program, started in 1982, is kicking off their Holiday Food Drive with bags being placed on doorknobs Nov. 2 and 3. Please place non-perishible food items, canned goods and the like, in the bags and place them outside your door for pick up on Saturday, Nov. 10. The bags will be collected and taken to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church where they will be sorted, with half the donations going to t...
If you’re like us here at the Independent Record, last night you were anxiously awaiting the General Election results. This week’s front page gives a look at what our local numbers were. Some race results were certainly a surprise, while others went as predicted, but the one thing they all have in common is that they’re over. All of the disagreements over who is best for the town, county and state can be put to rest. Mind you, this isn’t something that will happen overnight. Those voted in will be cheered by some, while also being scrutin...
We awoke Wednesday morning after a long, hard battled election, some feeling wonderful about the choices made, others, not so much. There are changes coming in a number of positions in Thermopolis and Hot Springs County, but now that its all over, we need to embrace those changes and understand that even if our candidate didn’t get in, we voted and our voice mattered. It was exciting to see so many people step up for the primary, putting their name on the line to make our little slice of h...
A few years ago, I was surprise an elated to find two wild turkeys on my fence. I had never before seen a wild turkey. Yesterday, I counted at least sixty (60) turkeys going up the hill to Cedar Ridge. I don’t propose to know the ideal number of turkeys, but judging from the number of piles on my driveway, I am sure that the number is less than sixty. Perhaps the city council could consult with Wyoming Game & Fish to consider a turkey reduction program....
Roberta Jean Leseberg, 82, passed away peacefully on November 5, 2018, in Thermopolis. She was the eldest of 2 daughters born to Robert Kier and Bonnie (Wolf) Kier in Lovell, Wyo. on January 1, 1936. She grew up in Wyoming, graduating High School in Lander. She married James Leseberg on November 28, 1953, and from this union 5 children were born. She enjoyed music, quilting, crafts, her family and good friends. She is survived by her husband Jim; daughters, Pam Leseberg and Diane (Corky) Ando; son, Neal Leseberg; sister, Sylvia; numerous... Full story
A new program is underway at Thermopolis Middle School and so far, has been extremely successful. Under the direction of Becky Martinez, middle school students are now able to join an FFA chapter and enjoy all the opportunities FFA offers. According to Martinez, several students showed a big interest in livestock judging last year, so she contacted Joey Johnson with the 4-H program and from January through April, the kids worked, Johnson kept scores and the top four students got to go to the State Livestock Judging competition. Martinez...
According to a recent report from the Wyoming Economic Analysis Division, Hot Springs County showed a 15.5 percent increase in total sales and tax collections from the fiscal year 2017 to the fiscal year 2018, going from $4,608,121 in 2017 to $6,192,544 in 2018. The entire state had a strong rebound, according to the Wyoming Sales, Use, and Lodging Tax Revenue Report, which is produced annually and contains sales and use tax collection information categorized by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) super sector. Total...
The Round Top Sams Club elected officers for 2019 at their Friday, Nov. 2 meeting. Most of those elected were carryovers from 2018, which raised the question of whether they were so good at what they did this year that members wanted them to stay on or whether no one else wanted to serve as an officer. In this case it was the former, and all were applauded for the great job they’ve done this year and were begged to stay in office. Members serving in 2019 are: President Donna Cole, Vice President Sam Marshall, Secretary Joann Stickney, T...
A good part of the community came out on Monday to wish Mary McDougall a fond farewell as she retires from her position as Director of Public Health in Thermopolis, a job she's held for 35 years....
The middle school wrestling team travelled last Saturday to compete at the Buffalo Bandit Invite. “This weekend in Buffalo,” coach Toby Emery stated, “our boys saw eight non-conference teams thy have never wrestled before. This tournament was a great opportunity for our team. It allowed the boys to get some valuable mat time against new opponents. Roedy Farrell finished first in the A Division at 132 pounds.” Farrell scored 24 team points, with a 50-second fall over Dominick Berrettini of Sherid...
Both the seventh and eighth grade middle school girls basketball teams have been really busy this past week with games against Worland, Lovell, Powell and Cody. Head coach Ginger Ward said the girls are really improving and doing what they're asked. "They bring joy to work with," Ward said. "I praise the young ladies working through soreness, tight muscles and frustrations!" Against Worland on Oct. 30, the eighth grade A team lost, 13-40 as did the B team, 15-26. Ward said Sadie Burr was the top...
In addition to core subjects like Math, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies, students at Hot Springs County High School are also learning hands on skills they can use outside the classroom through the Trades class. Trades begins in the classroom, just long enough to go over the current goals for the day, but it's soon a rush to grab safety glasses and head to the shop for some work. Teacher Britton Van Heule said the class is keeping plenty busy with projects, including a judges stand for...
The Hot Springs County Recreation District will host its Turkey Hoop Shoot on Thursday Nov. 15. Registration is at 6:30 p.m. at the Armory, with the event starting at 7 p.m. Second grade up to age 15 can participate, and parental participation is required. The fee is a non-perishable food item that will be donated to the Holiday Baskets program. First place in each age division will win a turkey. For questions and concerns, please call the Recreation Office at 864-3767....
Monday, Nov. 12 marks the Hot Springs County High School Academic Award Night, beginning at 6:15 p.m. in the high school commons with dinner and awards to follow at 6:30 p.m. Following the presentation of the high school academic awards, the commons will also be home to the 2018 National Honor Society induction ceremony....
Will Farrell holds the plaque he received when he was recently inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame at Chadron State College. He was the bull riding champion at the National College Rodeo Finals in Casper in both 1999 and 2000 while attending Chadron State. With him are his wife Shawna, daughters Kamryn and Logann and son Roedy, along with his brother Jeremiah, his wife Jennifer and their two sons, Tilden and Tacen. Besides being Chadron State's only two-time national rodeo champion, he is...