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Articles from the January 7, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • New Year's Eve tourney

    Jan 7, 2021

    Lain Thorpe fires one off during the VFW Cornhole Tournament held New Year's Eve at the VFW Post. The team of Gary Sikes and Carson Dickenson were crowned Cornhole Champions at the end of the event....

  • Couple reflects on their COVID-19 experience

    Cindy Glasson|Jan 7, 2021

    They say nothing in life is guaranteed and for one Thermopolis couple, that sentiment became a shocking reality when one was faced with a life or death case of COVID-19. Kay Wiecki and Randy Wahler went in for a COVID test on Wednesday, November 11 when Kay found herself coughing and Randy had something of a head cold. The pair thought it best to get checked, just to be sure. At that time they both took the rapid test as well as the test that is sent to the state, the one that goes up the nose....

  • Governor extends mask mandate, lifts business restrictions

    Jan 7, 2021

    Gov. Mark Gordon has announced that he will soon lift public health orders that required Wyoming bars and restaurants to close at 10 p.m. Effective January 9, updated health orders permit bars and restaurants to resume onsite consumption from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. The updated orders also allow gyms to increase the number of participants in group fitness classes from 10 to 25. . Gordon also announced Saturday that the mask mandate he first issued in December will remain in effect until Jan. 25. Gordon’s office shared three other health orders S...

  • First baby of the New Year presented with gifts

    Jan 7, 2021

    Sarah and Daniel Jarvis are proud, first time parents of the first baby born at Hot Springs Health in 2021. Jasper Dean Jarvis was born at 1:07 a.m. on Friday, January 1. He weighed in at 8 pounds, 7 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long. According to Sarah, Jasper's original due date was January 7. "We planned to have a natural birth," said Sarah. Doctors made the decision to induce Sarah on December 31 at 39 weeks. Her delivery turned into an emergency C-section. "He had a rather large noggin,"...

  • On the record

    Jan 7, 2021

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Tuesday, December 29 11:46 a.m. Kelly Rowland, 32, was arrested on a Hot Springs County warrant for probation revocation 1:08 p.m. A 52-year-old male was cited for trespassing at the Senior Apartments. 3:18...

  • Appreciation

    Jan 7, 2021

    Hot Springs County High School senior, Hyrum Rich, was fortunate enough to be chosen as the Rotary Exchange Student last year, spending the school year in Mexico until the pandemic forced him and other exchange students across the world to return home. Recently, Rich presented a banner to the Thermopolis chapter to mark his journey with the club. The banner was courtesy of the Rotary chapter in Mexico where he stayed....

  • Aunt Teak and Uncle Junk opens

    Jan 7, 2021

    Todd Davis recently opened his new business, Aunt Teak and Uncle Junk. It’s a vintage antique, repurposed and junk store at 439 Clark Street. Some of the items they carry are quilts, china sets, brass and silver items, things for man-caves such as duck and outdoor hunting pictures. Davis said, “Lamps have been a big seller so far. A little bit of everything has been selling.” Davis added that if someone likes an item but doesn’t buy it, it’s probably going to be sold by the next day. He encourages people to not miss their opportunity to make a...

  • Veterans Exemption available

    Jan 7, 2021

    Hot Springs County Assessor Daniel Webber announced today that currently qualified Hot Springs County veterans or their surviving spouse should contact the Assessor’s Office by telephone to renew their Veteran’s Exemption for 2021 on their property taxes. If the applicant will be using the exemption for vehicle licensing, they will need to stop by the Assessor’s Office when they come in the courthouse to renew their registration. The exemption can only be used in one county in Wyoming for the tax year and if you are using it on your prope...

  • Scams are circulating everywhere

    Jan 7, 2021

    Scams are hitting citizens in every possible way. Here are some of the most recent scams going around. Home Depot Email Scam Alert: A Laramie citizen received an email saying “You have been selected for a reward from Home Depot!” The email was from spoofed as “Last Reminder” and the subject line was “Home Depot’s Rew@rd Confirmed On{12/23/2020} - Pleaaaase Confirm!” The click here and claim now links do not link to Home Depot. Lottery Winner Text Scam Alert: A Wyoming citizen reported a text scam impersonating...

  • Shaming and blaming

    Jan 7, 2021

    Humans love to shame and blame others in the best of times, but bring on a public health crisis and it turns hard core. Add the speed and reach of social media and now the toxicity has reached all new heights. Some people shame when they feel threatened by something. They need an explanation, and they find a scapegoat. It helps them reaffirm their thinking and make sense of what’s happening. Through social media, everyone has a voice and feels justified to use their voice in often harsh, hateful ways. Things are said through a keyboard that w...

  • Energy futures in federal land states

    Jan 7, 2021

    Ryan McConnaughey’s guest column on behalf of the Petroleum Association of Wyoming presents the daunting challenges facing Wyoming and other land grant states. As a native of the state owing much of my existence to the petroleum industry, I am sympathetic to those concerns. I would however present certain cautions. Those cautions relate to the political questions that are raised. Whether or not one believes in global warming, the political momentum is in the direction of reduction of fossil fuel use. More intense storms, floods, wildfire threat...

  • Joan Winafred Worley

    Jan 7, 2021

    Joan Winafred Worley, 87, passed away Friday, December 25, 2020, at Hot Springs Health in Thermopolis. Born October 11, 1933 in Chicago, Ill., she was one of three children of Christian and Elsie (Mayo) Hanson. She married Hubert Worley January 17, 1952 in Chicago. Joan was employed as a baker at Jewel/Dominics and later as a receptionist at Litell Machinery. The couple moved to Thermopolis in the late 90's. A life-long roller derby fan, she enjoyed reading, jigsaw puzzles and loved to shop....

  • Marvin Dee Bernard

    Jan 7, 2021

    Marvin Dee Bernard, 51, of Cheyenne, Wyo., passed away in Laramie, Wyo., on December 24, 2020. Marvin was born to Marilou and Marvin Bernard on April 24, 1969, in Thermopolis, Wyo. He was an over the road truck driver, a job he took great pride in. He loved his kids, the Broncos, and the Wyoming Cowboys. He is survived by his children, Myra, Micah, Dean, Molly Dee, Maitlan, Madison, and Sadie; wife, Crystal; siblings, Cindy, Mike, Greg, and Sean; and many cousins, nieces, and nephews. He is...

  • Robert 'Bob' Ray Aden II

    Jan 7, 2021

    Robert “Bob” Ray Aden II, 74, passed away peacefully on December 5, 2020, in Riverton at Health for Help Hospice in Wyoming from lung cancer. Bob was born to Robert Ray Aden and Gladys Witten on September 7, 1946, in Salina Kan. He served in the United Stated Air Force, receiving an honorable discharge. Bob enjoyed going to a cabin in Idaho Springs, Colo., with family and friends and spending time with his friend Gary and his family in Thermopolis. He was a Thermopolis resident for the last 18 years of his life. Bob was survived by his chi...

  • Millison 'Millie' Dee Grana

    Jan 7, 2021

    Millison “Millie” Dee Grana, 87, passed away on January 4, 2021, at the Thermopolis Wellness and Rehabilitation Center. Millison was born on February 21, 1933, in Iowa City, Iowa, to Floyd W. and Clara (Steffy) Hurt. Millie met her husband Nicklas while working at G.E. in Savanna, Ill. They were married on March 1, 1952. As their family started to grow, Millie stayed home to raise her children. After Nicklas passed away, she became a custodian for the Clark County School District in southern Nevada. Millie loved crafting with her daughters and...

  • Afternoon stroll

    Jan 7, 2021

    Tourists enjoy a walk on the terraces in the cool, steamy atmosphere in Hot Springs State Park....

  • Community blood drive set for Monday

    Jan 7, 2021

    There will be a Thermopolis Community Blood Drive at the Senior Citizen’s Center on Monday, January 11 from 2 to 6:15 p.m. Call Melene Mierzejewski to make an appointment at (307) 240-1414 or online at The sponsor code is: thermopolis. COVID-19 antibody testing will be provided for all who donate....

  • Finding hope when facing challenges

    Jurri Schenck|Jan 7, 2021

    All too common in conversation it has been spoken that 2020 was the hardest year our nation and state have experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues. Finding hope has been a great challenge for most. In Hot Springs County, our residents have been hit very hard. There have been job losses, business failures, divorces, suicides and other very challenging situations. However, the community of Thermopolis has been working hard to bring support to its residents. First responders, fr...

  • First Day hikers

    Jan 7, 2021

    Wyoming State Parks, Historical Sites and Trails hosted First Day Hikes in state parks around Wyoming on New Year's Day. Hikers, including Basil Sorenson, right, joined in on the hike through Hot Springs State Park....