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Articles written by mark dykes

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  • Thermopolis hosts judiciary committee

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Apr 27, 2017

    Last week, members of the Wyoming Joint Judiciary Committee travelled to Thermopolis for a meeting during the interim. House District 28 Representative Nathan Winters explained this first meeting is where the committee begins to lay out its scope for the upcoming interim meetings. The Legislature, he noted, has worked diligently during this past session, and last week's meeting brought in several people who were beneficial to the committee's discussion. Among those attending were Michael Blonige...

  • Bobcats break 23 personal records

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Apr 27, 2017

    by Mark Dykes The Hot Springs County High School track teams continued to show improvement last week during the triangular at Worland, where Ten Sleep was also a competitor, as members of the girls team saw 13 personal records, and the boys team saw another 10. Coach Ernie Mecca said it's atypical to see so many personal records at this point in the season. He credited the performance to Thermopolis having a fairly inexperienced team with students who take great pride in their accomplishments,...

  • Tracksters continue winning in Riverton

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Apr 27, 2017

    Coming off multiple personal records at the Worland triangular, the Bobcats kept up the momentum into the weekend, at the Roy Peck Invite at Riverton and set another 20. Coach Ernie Mecca said it was another decent day, weather-wise, and he’s excited about the improvement of this young team. He noted the girls nearly swept the 800 meters, taking the top four places and sixth. Jules Ward placed first with a time of 2:30.74, followed by Chandra Maddock at 2:32.18, Haley McDermott at 2:32.35 and M...

  • TMS tracksters break records at Worland

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Apr 27, 2017

    The Thermopolis Middle school track team saw two meets this past week, at the triangular in Worland on April 20, and a meet in Cody April 22. Coach Stephanie Czarobski reported at the triangular Wyatt McDermott broke the seventh grade boys mile record by four tenths of a second, coming in at 5:32.4 compared to the previous record of 5:32.8. McDermott also placed first in the triple jump, with a distance of 30’4”. Additional highlights from the triangular are: Sixth Grade Girls Shot put —Azurdey...

  • Hospital board approves budget amendment

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Apr 27, 2017

    Tuesday evening, the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees approved an amendment to the capital budget.Chief Financial Officer Shelly Larson said budget amendments typically happen this time of year. Larson explained there was a surgeon’s headlight budgeted at $25,000, and was reduced to $3,000, reflecting a doctor’s preference for a light which comes in at a much lower cost. Also, a neoprobe was removed from the current year budget; the device, used in breast biopsies, com...

  • Darren Dumas jury trial begins

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Apr 20, 2017

    Monday saw the start of the trial in a case against Darren Dumas, who is charged with strangulation of a household member and domestic battery. The strangulation charge stems from Sept. 26, while the battery charge is from Sept. 23-26, and it is alleged he beat and strangled Christy Dumas. Court documents indicate the couple had been arguing Sept. 23, and he smashed her cell phone against the wall and a tablet against her head. Also, it’s alleged he hit, slapped and punched her between Sept. 2...

  • Council supports becoming certified local government

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Apr 20, 2017

    Tuesday evening, Thermopolis Town Council, with Mayor Mike Mortimore absent, approved providing support for Thermopolis to become a Certified Local Government (CLG). Mari Ann Rush, who was present at the meeting, said among the benefits of being a CLG is additional federal and state funding options. She noted they are not going out and getting the money, but being certified allows them to pursue those options as needed. She was not asking for a resolution or ordinance to be a CLG, simply for...

  • Red Cross office opens doors

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Apr 20, 2017

    On Friday, April 7, Jayson Zimmerman opened the American Red Cross office serving Hot Springs and Washakie counties. Zimmerman, a Red Cross volunteer and member of the disaster action team, said the office will operate on an “as needed” basis with no set hours. The office is located south of the main offices in Central Bank and Trust, and Zimmerman pointed out there is handicap accessibility during the bank’s normal hours. Kent Cordingly, branch president of the bank, said Zimmerman appro...

  • Chamber conducts annual board meeting

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Apr 20, 2017

    Thursday evening, the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce conducted its annual meeting. Board President Greg Willson went over the goals of the Chamber and what they want to accomplish. He described the chamber as the “touch point” for the community, and they should think of themselves that way. He further explained the chamber should be the spot for information not only for tourists, but those considering moving here and business owners that want to learn more about other bus...

  • Negotiations regarding billboard continue between two groups

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Apr 20, 2017

    by Mark Dykes Tuesday afternoon at the Hot Springs Travel and Tourism board meeting, the board expressed interest in keeping the Hessenthaler billboard south of town, and gave Director Amanda Moeller authority to negotiate a contract with the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce. The issue of the billboard has been under discussion between the two groups for the past few months. According to information presented by Phillip Scheel, the chamber is leasing the ground for the billboard from...

  • Third relay team qualifies for state

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Apr 20, 2017

    Last Thursday at Worland, the Thermopolis track team competed in the D & D Invite. Coach Ernie Mecca said the girls 4x800 relay team of Chandra Maddock, McKenna Bomengen, Haley McDermott and Jules Ward was the third such team to automatically qualify for state, with a first place time of 10:21.52. On top of that, Mecca noted the team is just 12.5 seconds from breaking a 31-year-old school record, so that's a target for them. Another highlight at the end of the day came when Ward crossed the...

  • Two middle school wrestlers return from action at nationals

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Apr 20, 2017

    Last Friday and Saturday, sixth grade student Roedy Farrell and eighth grade student Logan Cole competed at the Heartland National Duals in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Farrell said his interest in wrestling stemmed from his dad, Will, who is a volunteer coach for the middle school wrestling program. Farrell noted his dad wrestled, which sparked his own interest in the sport and saw him hitting the mat at six years old. The boy further noted even when he loses a match he has a smile on his face....

  • Fire department to buy smoke house

    Mark Dykes, Reporter Photographer|Apr 20, 2017

    In the course of a year, Thermopolis is home to a multitude of events, and attendees might get a chance to see a quite prominent feature at them, with the smoking house hosted by the Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department. Firefighter Forrest Coleman-Weisz said the inflatable house is set up at least three times a year — during Fire Prevention Week, the department’s open house and the health fair — but there is the potential to use it much more during the year. Currently, the department is borro...

  • Dumas found guilty on charges

    Mark Dykes, Editor|Apr 20, 2017

    Following about three hours of deliberation Wednesday afternoon, a jury found Darren Dumas guilty of strangulation of a household member and domestic battery. The strangulation charge is from Sept. 26, and the battery charge is from Sept. 23-26. The charges state he beat and strangled Christy Dumas. See the April 20 and 27 editions of the Independent Record for more information....

  • Thermopolis hosts Judiciary Committee meeting meeting

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 13, 2017

    A meeting of the Wyoming Joint Judiciary Committee will be held April 20 and 21 at the Days Inn. Following the formal presentations each day, there will be time for public comment, and the committee will break each day for lunch from 12-1:30 p.m. The joint committee will meet three or four times during the interim, which is from now until November, at different locations around the state. House District 28 Representative Nathan Winters said last year the interim committee worked very hard on...

  • Number work

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 13, 2017

    Mesa Allen shows off her multiplication skills as grandma Barb Hansen watches. The activity was among many stations available during the Ralph Witters Elementary Math Night on Tuesday. Students received tickets they could get punched for doing math activities, with two punches earning them pizza and the third getting them an ice cream float....

  • Celebrate the new

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 13, 2017

    Easter weekend is here once again, and the holiday means different things to different people. Having been raised Catholic, for me — as I’m sure it does for plenty others — the day itself and the weeks leading up to it go beyond the chocolate bunnies and marshmallow birds and into the spiritual. One thing I think is common among everyone, though, is the sense of newness, of rebirth or life taking a new direction. I hope that has more to do with the springtime being when baby animals are born,...

  • UW President Nichols visits with county residents

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 13, 2017

    Tuesday morning at the Hot Springs County Museum, University of Wyoming President Laurie Nichols visited with residents of Thermopolis and Hot Springs County. Nichols, who began her duties as the UW president on May 16, 2016, noted starting that month would allow her the opportunity to travel to all of the communities within her first year. Nichols noted she is still fairly new to the state, having only been here not quite a year, and the visits are, in part, to better understand the makeup of...

  • Runoff forecast for Boysen Reservoir

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 13, 2017

    There is no change in the snowmelt runoff forecast for Boysen Reservoir between March and April. Mahonri Williams, the resources management division chief for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Wyoming area office noted the April through June runoff prediction is still 1,100,000 acre-feet (af), which is 200 percent of the 30-year averaged of 540,000 af. Even with the recent rain and snow in Thermopolis, Williams noted it would only affect those areas downstream on the Big Horn River. Williams f...

  • Prosecutorial misconduct added to motion

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 6, 2017

    An addendum to a motion for a new trial in a case against Matthew Schwan was filed March 30. Schwan was found guilty on March 15 of aggravated homicide by vehicle, in the death of Reilly Schwan. The addendum calls for a new trial because of prosecutorial misconduct. According to the document, during the trial the prosecutor was examining a witness and the witness was asked what the deceased might have said. The events counsel objected as hearsay, and the prosecutor said in a loud voice, “She i...

  • Council looks at sewer, sanitation rates

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 6, 2017

    Tuesday night, the Thermopolis Town Council looked at the water, sewer and sanitation rates. According to the financial statement of February 2017, water revenues were $932,172.44 and expenditures were $718,080.95, for an end result of $214,091.49. Taking into account a $29,455.06 payment to the drinking water SRF loan — which is the town’s match for the water line going up Broadway when the state put the new highway in — results in a total of $184,636.43. As for sewer, there was $459,...

  • Volunteers needed for dispensing exercise

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 6, 2017

    by Mark Dykes Volunteers are needed to help with a Hot Springs County mass dispensing exercise hosted by Hot Springs County Public Health. The exercise is scheduled for the morning of Thursday, April 13 at the county fair building. The scenario is a release of weaponized Anthrax. Volunteers can choose to be staff or role-players during. Staff volunteers who want to help at the Point of Dispensing (POD) should arrive at the building by 8 a.m. to receive a short training before the POD opens at 9...

  • Drum solo

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 6, 2017

    Kyle Mosser teaches Jason Capelle a simple drum beat Thursday morning at the auditorium. Students from Ralph Witters Elementary were treated to a concert from band and choir students. Following the performance, the elementary students were invited to explore and ask questions about the instruments....

  • Treasured teaching

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 6, 2017

    Hot Springs County School District Superintendent Dustin Hunt congratulates 2016-17 Teacher of the Year Stephanie Czarobski during an all-school assembly last Friday. Czarobski, along with Alex McLean, Jacob Strenger and Tom Olsen, received their Champion for Children awards prior to the announcement by Catelyn Deromedi, the 2015-16 Teacher of the Year....

  • Bobcats continue to set personal records

    Mark Dykes, Assistant Editor|Apr 6, 2017

    Saturday at the Jerry Campbell Track Invite in Buffalo, the Hot Springs County High School tracksters took a combined seventh place with 64.5 total points. The girls placed fifth with 46 points, and the boys took ninth with 18.5. It was another good meet for the boys in terms of personal records, however, with Kolby George's fourth place time of 11:48.63 in the 3200 meters, Chandler Maddock's fifth place height of 11' in the pole vault, Liam Aaron's seventh place 5' in the high jump, Jared...

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