Sorted by date Results 1072 - 1096 of 1747
Thursday evening, the Hot Springs-Thermopolis Chamber of Commerce visited about encouraging more businesses to participate in the Gift of the Waters Pageant parade. Chamber Executive Director Meri Ann Rush noted having a float in the parade also provides businesses with additional advertising. Applications for the parade may be picked up at the Chamber of Commerce office, and must be submitted no later than Friday, Aug. 4. Also during the meeting, the board selected Toby Homi, Robin Griffin and...
At the Wyoming State Shoot in Douglas July 6-9, the last award given out was the 4-H Forever Wild Award, provided by the Skyler Gabel Group and won by Lexi Overfield, daughter of Heath and Bobbi Overfield. The award comes with it one of two guided cow elk hunts on a private ranch. Heath further noted Lexi filled out an application to get an elk tag, and will be hunting in Hunt Area 49. The season opens in August and closes in December, and the group is working with the Overfields to determine a...
A group of seven students has been competing the past two years in the realm of clay target shooting sports. Known as the Thermopolis Clay Cutters Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP), these students have attended five SCTP shoots this year with the Wyoming State Shoot in Cody left to go, sometime in August. There have been two shoots in Cody and three in Billings, Mont. Outside of the SCTP shoots, they also shot at a Junior Olympics qualifier. The SCTP level is the beginning level for USA...
Last Wednesday, the Tri-County Telephone Association, Inc. (TCT) filed a response to a motion to disqualify counsel and a motion to dismiss filed by Joe and Barbara Campbell. The motion filed by the Campbells is the latest request for action in a case that began in December of 2015, after the couple filed a suit against the company claiming board members, as well as the purchaser of TCT, robbed owners of the TCT co-operative of the value of their ownership after the co-op was sold. In May of...
As of July 1, services provided through the Hot Springs County office of the Prevention Management Organization (PMO) of Wyoming are now handled through the Washakie County office, which covers both counties. The consolidation of services comes as a result of a $2.1 million reduction to the Wyoming Department of Health’s 2017-18 budget for substance abuse and suicide prevention. The Department of Health complied with this reduction, mandated by the Wyoming Legislature, by reducing the c...
James Whitt takes a turn on the oversized bowling alley Friday on the lawn of the Hot Springs County Library. The game was one of several set up for kids in the summer reading program sponsored by the library....
Two incidents which happened in the early morning hours of July 1 resulted in the arrests of three subjects on drug-related charges. Wyoming Highway Patrol Trooper Regina Schulmeister said she performed a traffic stop on a vehicle near mile marker 135 on Highway 20 North, just after midnight. There were three adults as well as three juveniles in the vehicle, she said, noting a female adult was attempting to hide in the backseat. That subject repeatedly gave her a false name as well. Sculmeister...
In addition to playing with John Roberts y Pan Blanco at the state park pavilion Monday evening, violin player Trevor Krieger had a fun time getting out into the crowd and showing them a few dance moves....
Rick Phipps was well known in the local music community, and when he passed away on July 4, 2016, due to leukemia and other medical issues, his memory was honored with a concert at the Hot Springs State Park pavillion. The second annual Rick Phipps Memorial Concert is scheduled for Saturday, July 15, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the pavilion. Artists performing include: Eric Kay, Thermopolis; Dan Garnett, Worland; Virgil Bailey, Hyattville, and Shaun Nicklas, Worland; the Silvertip String Band,...
The Bighorn Bowhunters will host the first annual T-Hill Shoot July 15 and 16, on the east side of the hill at the buffalo corral. Registration will be 8-11 a.m. Saturday, with participants able to start shooting any time. There will be shotgun starts on Sunday, with registration at 8 a.m. and on targets at 9 a.m. At 6 p.m. Saturday there will be fun shoots, including a milk jug event, a monster shoot, an armadillo shoot and a kids balloon shoot. Josh Lynch explained an armadillo shoot involves...
Starting on July 16, 350 people from across and outside the U.S. will take a 400-mile journey across Wyoming in the 21st annual Tour de Wyoming. Among those riding in the event are Ron Philips and Kevin Mahoney. Philips said this will be the 19th tour he’s done. He missed the first one, and had to bow out of the 2015 ride due to having shoulder surgery. Philips noted his son, Gavin, rode with him on the tour beginning at age 14, and continued to participate in it until he was well into c...
As the summer has gotten significantly warmer and the amount of dry grass in the area increases, so does the chance for fires. When the Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department responds on a scene, they often need access to a hydrant, but that can be impeded due to tall grass, signs or vehicles. Fire Chief Mark Collins explained if grass and weeds get tall enough, it can be difficult to see the hydrant. It’s also important to remember that hydrants are not posts on which to put up signs, as t...
In a recent development in an ongoing case between Joe and Barbara Campbell and the Tri County Telephone Association (TCT), a motion was filed on June 20 by the Campbells, for a disqualification of counsel, and for dismissal of a federal lawsuit against the Campbells. The case between the two parties began over 18 months ago, with a lawsuit filed against TCT by the Campbells, representing themselves and similar persons. The suit was filed based on their belief that more than 800 members of the...
During their June 27 meeting, the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees chose to interview construction firms Groathouse, Sletten and Layton, with regard to the forthcoming renovation and expansion to the hospital. Another two firms - Sampson and Erdman - were not selected for interview. The three construction firms were chosen after review of all five in areas such as cost and fee proposals, work on comparable projects, availability, pre-construction design and planning....
Of the cases that come through the courtrooms, many involve juveniles. These cases can spend months, even years, in the court system before any resolution is found. Attorneys Jerry Williams and Marcia Bean recently spoke to the process of handling juvenile cases. “There’s all different kinds of juvenile cases,” Williams said. “There’s cases where people are abusing juveniles, where juveniles are acting up a little bit or where juveniles are acting up a lot. We call them abuse and neglect,...
Police, emergency personnel and Hot Springs County Search and Rescue were all part of an effort to get Bighorn river floaters back to shore after they landed on one of the islands. Members of the 11 person group said they began floating at Wedding of the Waters. As all of their floats were tied together, when one hit a tree and went over, the others followed. Fortunately, a second group floating behind them was able to get help....
The Hot Springs County Senior Center hosted a barbecue lunch on Monday, in honor of Independence Day. In addition to hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixings, there were banana splits for dessert, served by local Masons....
This past weekend afforded me an interesting opportunity, as well as a reminder, to witness duality when dealing with nature, especially when it comes to water. The Wind River and Bighorn River have generated quite a bit of discussion and speculation over the past few weeks, what with the runoff and occasional rainstorm impacting just how fast they each are moving. Saturday, I watched as a couple groups navigated the river in the canyon, waves soaking and spinning them, even helping their rafts...
Thursday evening, following action by the Thermopolis Town Council to approve bills to help ensure accounting was in order for the end of the fiscal year, there was some discussion regarding an event planned by Julia Schleusner for the upcoming eclipse, on her own property. She noted the event is a “BYOB” style event, and there will be music. Schleusner said she has had similar events, including chili feeds the past 14 years. However, she said, in that time she has never had to appear before the...
On June 17 and 18, Boysen Reservoir was home to the 2017 Wyoming Walleye Stampede, bringing competitors in nearly 70 two-person teams from around Wyoming and other states to cast their lines and snag the biggest fish they can, and win some cash while they're at it. Boysen is only a small part of the Stampede event, which also sees tournaments at Glendo Reservoir and Pathfinder Reservoir. Among those competing at the Boysen event was Bill Mathews. Mathews and his nephew Todd took first at the...
Summer is guaranteed to bring with it some heat, and living where there’s plenty of open space for animals to roam adds the very real possibility of snake bites. Staff at the Hot Springs Veterinary Clinic provided some advice on how to deal with the heat and the bites when it comes to your pets. It’s important for pets to have shade available when they are outside, and plenty of cool water at all times. Be sure to check water temperature and replace as needed, as water set out all day will get p...
Students participated in the Big Horn Basin Football Camp earlier this week at LeRoy Hayes Field. The camp includes individual drills and techniques, as well as 7 on 7 competition....
In a letter to the Thermopolis Mayor and Town Council, it was expressed that the East Thermopolis Town Council has not decided to renew the Police and Animal Control contract at this time. The East Thermopolis council expressed appreciation for the years of service provided, but the letter noted the present financial situation demands they address rising enterprise costs before increasing other expenses. At the May 16 meeting of the Thermopolis Town Council, proposed figures of $25,000 for...
In mid-March, Hub Whitt returned to Wyoming after a stay "down under" in Australia that began in October. Whitt explained back in 1981 he was living in Ten Sleep, when he met a Scotsman from Wyoming at a local bar. That man, Don Macdonald, was providing his hand in some sheep shearing in Wyoming. Whitt noted at that time there was a lot more sheep in Wyoming, and there were shearing crews of about five to 10 people who would go around and offer their services. The crews would come with their...
The past couple weeks have seen some pretty astounding images from Owl Creek and Anchor Dam, with water going up on nearby roads and extremely high flows from the dam. According to Hot Springs County Emergency Management Coordinator Bill Gordon, there is still some snowmelt to feed into that area, but it is in a much better place regarding the melt and the lake level so it’s off the radar for now. The Wind River and Bighorn River, however, are another story. Gordon said with what was left of t...