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Articles written by jurri schenck

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  • Chamber board meets

    Jurri Schenck|Sep 16, 2021

    The September 9 Chamber of Commerce board meeting was held via Zoom. During old business, they reviewed the Pageant Day Parade, which was held on August 7. Chamber president Howie Samelson said, “It was magnificent. From my standpoint, we, meaning director Meri Ann [Rush] outdid herself for a nonelection year parade.” Rush said there were approximately 26 entries. Rush added, “I think everybody had a nice time. The crowd enjoyed it.” The board made several comments on the new PA system, which e...

  • HSSP volunteers enjoyed their summer

    Jurri Schenck|Sep 16, 2021

    Hot Springs State Park (HSSP) Volunteers Kathy and Cliff Vellinga and Warren Wolf spent the past year enjoying their work in the park. The Vellingas volunteered in the park last year and due to the Covid pandemic; they ended up staying longer. Their family's home base is in Las Vegas but the Covid situation was not good there. So, they decided to spend the winter and work through 2021. The Vellingas skirted their trailer and winterized it. Cliff said they got to shovel snow, haul trash and do...

  • Hospital staff voice concerns about possible vaccine mandate

    Jurri Schenck|Sep 9, 2021

    At the August 31, Hot Springs Health board meeting representatives of the hospital staff presented some statements during an Employee Listening Session about their concerns of a vaccination mandate from their employer. Several staff members were present and some spoke to the board. Staff comments One of those speaking was a Nurse who has worked at the hospital for the past three years in med-surgery, the emergency room and postpartum. She presented a statement that read, “The COVID-19 p...

  • Dockery honored by UW

    Jurri Schenck|Sep 9, 2021

    Carol Dockery was awarded the Heart of Agriculture Award by the University of Wyoming at the state fair held in Douglas in August. Nominations were sought from women agricultural producers and agricultural organizations in each county to honor those for active involvement in the industry and engagement in bettering their communities. "We have been diving into the history of women producers in the state for about three years now, and it is a lot bigger than one might think," said University of...

  • New owners of White Horse Country Store settling in

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 26, 2021

    Brett Klein and his girlfriend Shirley Willis have had a successful summer as the new owners of the White Horse Country Story which they bought from the Denton’s in April. Klein moved to Thermopolis from Cheyenne after selling his trucking business. As to how they came to Thermopolis, Klein said “It’s actually kind of a funny story. A good friend of mine and I, we were sitting having a beer and talking about stuff. I was getting sick of the wind in Cheyenne and the population was getting out o...

  • Flavored peanut butter business hits town

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 26, 2021

    Justin and Amber Popp recently relocated to Thermopolis. They brought with them their flavored peanut butter business, called PB&J’s. They make and sell flavored peanut butter, a business they originally started in Cheyenne. The start of their company began when they visited various farmer’s markets. Popp said, “We saw a need at the farmer’s markets for flavored peanut butter. You always go and you find bread, you find honey, you find jelly, but you never find peanut butter. So, we decided...

  • H.O.P.E. Agency contract not renewed by DVS

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 19, 2021

    The Wyoming Office of the Attorney General, Division of Victim Services (DVS) has decided to not renew their contract with Hot Springs County’s H.O.P.E. Agency, currently leaving the agency with no apparent source of funding. When asked why H.O.P.E. Agency’s contract was not renewed, Darryl Erickson, Deputy Director of DVS said, “The Division of Victim Services are the funders of victim service providers throughout the state and, of course, the money comes with some strings, some compl...

  • Council votes to approve emergency ordinance

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 12, 2021

    At the August 3 Thermopolis Town Council meeting Town Attorney Mike Messenger presented an emergency ordinance amending a town code section which changes the automation fee structure as required by Wyoming statutes. Messenger said, “the essence of this is that we have been collecting forty dollars for the state’s automation fee.” The town withdrew from that program on July 1. But they’ve been collecting the forty dollars and the administration wants to start collecting that money because...

  • Commissioners deal with packed agenda at meeting

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 12, 2021

    At the August 3 Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting held at the Annex Building, the commissioners decided to table the Mike Stevens land use change request because they feel they do not have enough information to make a decision. They are waiting to see any potential changes in the next few weeks that may affect how they decide. The commissioners also tabled the approval of the Black Mountain Road Agreement until September 1, as they said things are not in place yet. Shane Rankin gave his...

  • Rancher asks commissioners to get involved in private property issue

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 12, 2021

    Hot Springs County rancher Josh Longwell presented to the Hot Springs County Commissioners his concerns about grizzly bears killing his sheep on his private property. Longwell started off explaining that his ranch was bought in the mid 90s and he said, “At that point, there was not one grizzly bear, not one wolf on that ranch. So to clear this up, we were here first, they weren’t here first.” He said it was a false narrative that they were here first. Longwell continued and said his bigge...

  • WWII vets honored at picnic

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 12, 2021

    The members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars here in Thermopolis will have their annual picnic at the Kiwanis Shelter in the Hot Springs State Park on Sunday, August 15 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. They plan to honor the three World War II veterans still living here in our town and hope they are able to attend. The veternas are Robert Poch, Ed Hausauer and John Dodge. Ed Hausauer Ed Hausauer is now 96 years old and his Navy service began when he enlisted in Bismarck, N.D. and went to boot camp in San... Full story

  • Town offers direct payment program

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 5, 2021

    The Thermopolis Town Hall has a new bill payment system for the convenience of its residents. Town Treasurer / Clerk Tracey Van Heule and Assistant to the Mayor Fred Crosby invite residents to participate in their Direct Payment program. This program is not an internet-based system but for people who are interested they need to fill out a simple form and provide a canceled check to have their bank account automatically debited each month. This service allows customers to no longer need to write...

  • Kathy Taylor honored by Wyoming Coaches Assoc.

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 5, 2021

    Former high school teacher, coach and athletic director, Kathy Taylor received the Distinguished Service Award from the Wyoming Coaches Association. The award comes from a nomination and there are three award winners for the year. Known to her students as "Coach T" she led athletes of volleyball teams, swimmers, basketball and even badminton for over 40 years. Thirty-two of those years she spent in Thermopolis where she eventually became the athletic director. Taylor's reputation with others is...

  • Hospital board receives training

    Jurri Schenck|Aug 5, 2021

    At the July 27 board meeting at Hot Springs Health, CEO Margie Molitor provided some training for the board from an online board education school called iProtean. Molitor and the board will continue their training at each month’s meeting and also offline. For the growth pillar report, Molitor said that the landscaping is well underway and hopefully will be done by the end of this week. Molitor said they had a very successful survey from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission last week. They came t...

  • Commissioners updated on transfer station

    Jurri Schenck|Jul 29, 2021

    At the July 20 Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting, Town Engineer Heath Overfield and members of the Thermopolis Town Council attended to give a transfer station project update at the request of the commissioners. Overfield reported that they had a work session at Town Hall in April going through the details and took the commissioners’ suggestions. Based on that work, Overfield updated some cost estimates and looked at the timelines on the town’s end of things for the transition from the la...

  • Punteney interested in donating bobcat to school

    Jurri Schenck|Jul 29, 2021

    Kelly Puntney, who has family ties and residency in Thermopolis, has acquired a beautiful bobcat that was mounted by a taxidermist. Puntney is a landscape architect in Vancouver, Washington and was doing some work for a veterinarian there. This veterinarian had a taxidermied bobcat on display that caught Puntney's eye. The bobcat, while alive, was found with a broken leg or foot and was not able to be healed. Therefore, it was euthanized and stuffed. Puntney wanted to buy the bobcat from the...

  • Town approved for last cell in landfill

    Jurri Schenck|Jul 29, 2021

    At the July 20 Thermopolis Town Council meeting, council member Bill Malloy gave a report about his attendance at the WAM Convention. Malloy said he enjoyed it and that 167 people registered for it with many vendors in attendance. During the reception at the botanical gardens Malloy said about 300 people participated. Malloy commented that it was “a good visiting time.” Malloy discovered in his conversation about how many of the issues the town of Thermopolis faces are very similar to other jur...

  • Town moving forward with online payments

    Jurri Schenck|Jul 22, 2021

    At the first monthly meeting for July, the Thermopolis Town Council voted and approved catering permits for the month. Town engineer Anthony Barnett reported that he worked with Assistant to Mayor Fred Crosby and Town Clerk / Treasurer Tracy Van Heule to pick dates to advertise for the chip seal project to request bids starting July 29. They will have it ready to present to the town council for an award on August 3. Barnett also reported that cell nine at the landfill is almost full. Director...

  • Additional doctors interested in clinics here

    Jurri Schenck|Jul 15, 2021

    Hot Springs Health (HSH) held its June 29 board meeting and in the growth report, CEO Margie Molitor said they received their ACR accreditation. Also at the recent rodeo event, HSH was a gate sponsor. Molitor also said Dr. Hazel, an orthopedic surgeon, will hopefully start the third week of July. He is fellowship-trained in sports medicine and will replace Dr. Caldwell, working in conjunction with Dr. Francisco and Dr. Rice of Cody. For a building update, Molitor said they hope to have the...

  • Search begins for new county clerk

    Jurri Schenck|Jul 15, 2021

    At the July 6 Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting, Hot Springs County Clerk Rose DeSeyn submitted her resignation. Her last day in the office will be July 30. Per the Wyoming Secretary of State following state statutes, the office cannot be filled until it is actually vacated. An interim county clerk will be in the office until a new county clerk is selected. The process to find a new clerk begins with interesed registered Republicans living in Hot Springs County submitting their resumes...

  • Staffing issues troubling for local businesses

    Jurri Schenck|Jul 8, 2021

    Locally and nationwide there is a crisis of an abundance of job openings and not many people applying for jobs. Here in Thermopolis, the lack situation hits home hard with many business owners/managers finding themselves frustrated while desperate for workers to keep their businesses afloat and to relieve their existing staff from the overload. They are concerned about extending unemployment benefits and giving out free government money; according to business owners these things actually hinder...

  • Three Sisters Gallery opening

    Jurri Schenck|Jul 8, 2021

    Megan Corcoran, a new resident to Thermopolis, is holding a grand opening of her art gallery called the "Three Sisters Gallery" on July 10 at 4-8 p.m. It's located at 124 South 7th Street. Corcoran will offer free coffee and invites the community to stop by and enjoy various art pieces for sale. The featured artist is Cocoran's stepmother, Arline Corcoran presenting many oil paintings of still life and landscapes. Additionally, the presented art pieces are from Corcoran's sisters. They are...

  • Hot Spot Car Show features 124 entries

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 24, 2021

    The Thermopolis Hot Spot Car Rally was June 19 and 20 with 124 entries being shown off by vehicle enthusiasts from around the area. The car show was well attended by both locals and tourists. Saturday a parade of cars was held and vehicles were displayed downtown. Sunday vehicles filled Hot Springs State Park along with a number of vendors. Winners of the Show and Shine competition include: Off Road-1972 Ford Bronco, Randy Morrison from Casper; Motorcycle-2003 Harley Davidson Softail Deuce,...

  • Commissioners discuss solid waste issues

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 24, 2021

    At the June 15 Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting, discussion was held about the landfill agreement extension for one year. Commissioner Phil Scheel said, “I really think as the landfill and solid waste becomes more and more a pressing issue, the city, the current operator’s plans needs to be a little bit more public. Especially with those participating entities including the county, to the county, and to the town of Kirby and East Thermopolis so that we can be all onboard rather than the...

  • Thermopolis Town Council approves budget on final reading

    Jurri Schenck|Jun 24, 2021

    At the Thermopolis Town Council meeting on June 14 a public hearing was held for the 2021-22 budget and there were no comments received. The budget was voted on and approved in its third reading. There were a couple minor changes including sewer depreciation fund expenses that were just under $10,000 and they added $5,000 to give to the Hot City Outdoor Alliance for their fundraising of a trail development on Roundtop. During citizen participation the council approved catering/liquor permits...

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