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Articles written by jurri schenck

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  • Wyoming Downs pari-mutuel gaming machines now available at One Eyed Buffalo Saloon

    Jurri Schenck|Apr 6, 2023

    One Eyed Buffalo Saloon officially opened its Wyoming Downs gaming area on March 31 with its 16 pari-mutuel machines. This a first for Thermopolis to have this number of legalized gambling machines in a facility. Owner Jennifer Fisher said, "We wanted to bring something new to Thermopolis and create a new atmosphere." During their opening, they had about 50 to 70 different customers throughout the day. Wyoming Downs Regional Manager Chris Macha described the customer experience with their...

  • Winter, Cooper provide legislative session wrap-up

    Jurri Schenck|Apr 6, 2023

    State of Wyoming legislators, Senator Ed Cooper and Representative John Winter, provided a wrap-up of the legislative session to the community at the Hot Springs County Historical Museum on Tuesday, March 28. The Hot Springs County Republican Party hosted the event. Cooper is the District 20 Senator and represents Big Horn, Fremont, Hot Springs, Park and Washakie Counties. Cooper has been in this office since 2021. Winter is the Representative from District 28 and has been in that office since...

  • Council approves agriculture ordinance on first reading

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 30, 2023

    At the March 21 Thermopolis Town Council meeting held at Town Hall, during citizen participation, Mayor Estenson asked Town Attorney Marshall Keller to present for the first reading the new language for the Limited Urban Agriculture Ordinance, which is about making chickens and three additional animals legal within the town boundaries. The ordinance states the following: “Section 1. No person, firm, partnership, corporation or association shall keep, harbor, stable, pen or maintain horses, m...

  • Commissioners hear from Lindamood regarding employee housing concerns at his Grass Creek Ranch

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 30, 2023

    At last Tuesday’s Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting, commissioner Phil Scheel was absent. Therefore, Chairman Tom Ryan suspended the Robert’s Rules for the meeting. Doug Lindamood held a discussion with the commissioners about the future of his Grass Creek ranch and USDA processing plant. Lindamood is concerned about housing for his future employees as the commute to the ranch from either Thermopolis, Meeteetsee, or Worland is too prohibitive. One of the ideas Lindamood is exploring...

  • Senior Center set to celebrate 50-year anniversary Monday

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 30, 2023

    The Hot Springs County Senior Center is celebrating its 50-year anniversary on Monday, April 3. They will have an open house from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Senior Center Director Trenda Moore invites the public to “Come in, reminisce, and learn the importance of the center.” Moore added, “The festivities will be at noon. We’re going to have a couple speakers and we’re going to have cake, mints, ice cream, nuts, and all that good fun stuff including punch and coffee. Nothing formal, really, just fun....

  • Materi matched in to neurosurgery program at Johns Hopkins University

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 30, 2023

    Josh Materi is a 2011 Hot Springs County High School graduate who currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland. After graduation, he attended the University of Wyoming, graduating with cum laude honors in 2015. Prior to starting medical school, he spent a year in Beijing, China on the Chinese Government Scholarship studying Mandarin at BLCU. After that, Materi came back and did EMS in Salt Lake City. Then he taught a year of special education in Tongue River Elementary. Ultimately, Materi was...

  • Commissioners asked to allow public comments

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 23, 2023

    During the March 7 Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting, Paul Galovich had requested time to discuss pubic comments at commissioner’s meetings. Current procedure at commissioner’s meetings is to allow public comments, with proper recognition by the chair, on agenda items. Public comments on non agenda issues is typically not allowed. Chairman Tom Ryan started the discussion by saying, “Commissioner Galovich asked to have a public comment discussion be added on. I think it’s a great d...

  • HSC Rural Water Joint Powers Board discusses assessment of funding

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 23, 2023

    The Hot Springs County Rural Water Joint Powers Board (HSCRWJPB) met on March 16 at the Annex building. In old business, there was a discussion about the assessment of funding and how much money each entity would contribute. The Hot Springs County (HSC) Commissioners have already contributed $5,000. There was discussion about using EDUs to gauge the different district’s contributions, but it was also noted that HSC does not have any existing customers and therefore there are no EDUs from them t...

  • Shoenewald working on historical narrative book

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 23, 2023

    Local author Lea Schoenewald has a new book proposal approved by History Press, a part of Arcadia Publishing. Schoenewald’s book will be about historical narratives of the Gebo, Crosby, and Kirby mining camps from the early 1900s. Schoenewald hopes to complete the book by the middle of October of this year. She has an editor working with her through the entire process and will send photos as well as they work through the chapter. The book will finally be published in the spring of 2024. S...

  • Assistant Pastor Howe ordained

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 23, 2023

    Thermopolis First Baptist Church's Caleb Howe was ordained on Tuesday, March 14. Twenty-five other pastors and ministers from Wyoming, southern Montana, Idaho, northwest Colorado, and Utah all joined the meeting. Howe described the ordination as "Where I make public God's call on my life, and our local church here, First Baptist Church, recognizes that calling. They organized this ordination meeting. The church wanted the ordination, and I wanted to seek that. And so these men came in and...

  • Council moves forward to legalize chickens in town

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 16, 2023

    At the March 7 Thermopolis Town Council meeting held at the Town Hall, during citizen participation, Darren Butcher presented his request to legalize chickens with a packet of proposed code language describing a potential new ordinance. Mayor Adam Estenson opened the floor to the council to speak. Council member Bill Malloy expressed his concerns about having chickens, including the time needed for law enforcement to handle nuisance calls. Malloy added, “Every time this chicken thing comes u...

  • Commissioners approve Shaffer Subdivision

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 16, 2023

    At last Tuesday’s Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting, Brian Clarkson of Ardurra (formerly T-O Engineers) gave the Geographic Information System (GIS) update. Clarkson said that they have scanned more septic permit documents, processed and uploaded septic permit files from 1982 to 1983 to cloud storage, and added septic permit information to the online GIS database. Additionally, Clarkson said that they have reviewed Samsung Galaxy Tablets for field maps. Regarding anticipated work f...

  • Chamber board updated on variety of town events

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 16, 2023

    At the March 9 Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce board meeting, the Thermopolis High School FFA students held a presentation about food waste management issues, how they are handled worldwide, and they explored potential solutions to the problem. The FFA students will give this presentation to other organizations as practice and to gain feedback before they submit it to their state competition. In old business, CEO Meri Ann Dorman said they have only four slots left for their...

  • Merlin's Hide Out celebrates

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 9, 2023

    Merlin's Hide Out celebrated its 10-Year Anniversary at its current location. Merlin and Barb Heinze have gone through quite a journey in creating their business of custom-made buffalo hides and fur coats. When Merlin was asked how he developed his interest in sewing fur and leather, Merlin said, "When I was a teenager, I was in Junior Leadership 4-H, and our leader Louise Odde taught us how to work with leather. She was a great leader and not only taught me how to sew, but encouraged me to...

  • Hot Springs Health board meeting

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 9, 2023

    At the February 28 Hot Springs Health board meeting held in their conference room, CEO Scott Alwin gave his report and said that Laura Budd has accepted the position of Foundation Director/ Grant Writer. Budd will begin on April 10. Also, Tim Teson has accepted the Surgical Director position. Regarding Patient Experience, Alwin said that “On Feb. 13 and 14, Robert Grossman from Custom Learning Systems was on site to provide a Leadership Briefing Training, along with orientation for our S...

  • Town votes to support Joint Powers Water Board application

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 2, 2023

    At the February 21 Thermopolis Town Council meeting, Town Engineer Heath Overfield held a discussion with the council about the Hot Springs County Water District Joint Powers Board (HSCWDJPB) regarding a possible Level 2 study to drill for water on Lysite Mountain for about $2.1 million. Council member Bill Malloy expressed his concern about upfront costs. Overfield said that the grant for it would be a 100% covered cost and if the well is successful in both water quality and quantity the...

  • Tipi Retreat supporters attend gathering

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 2, 2023

    Prior to the February 21 Hot Springs County Commissioners meeting, around 30 supporters for the "Save the Tipi" campaign peacefully gathered in front of the Hot Springs County Courthouse and then attended the commissioners meeting at the annex. Michael and Michele Stevens, owners of The Tipi Retreat, LLC, are currently in litigations after the Stevens' filed a lawsuit against the commissioners over their denial of a land use change for the couple's commercial business, Docket No. 2022-23. A...

  • K9 Riggs receives body armor

    Jurri Schenck|Mar 2, 2023

    Hot Springs County Sheriff's Office K9 Riggs has received a donation of body armor. Sergeant Casey Freund said that K9 Riggs started his service in June 2022 and is now two years old, reaching a 20-month threshold. This means he has stopped growing and was measured and fitted for body armor. Hot Springs County Sheriff's Office K9 Riggs has received a bullet and stab protective vest thanks to a charitable donation from the non-profit organization Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. K9 Riggs' vest was...

  • Water district joint powers board reconvened

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 23, 2023

    Various water district representatives met formally to reconvene the Hot Springs County Water District Joint Powers Board (HSCWDJPB) at the Annex building on Thursday, February 16. The last time the HSCWDJPB met was in 2018. The representatives were Kent Cordingly from Lucerne Water, Tony Basko of Owl Creek Water, Tom Ryan of Hot Springs County, Quinton Hetzel of South Thermopolis Water, and Sid McDonald of the Town of East Thermopolis. In new business, the board elected their officers. Tom...

  • Planning board sends subdivision application onto commissioners

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 23, 2023

    At the February 8 Hot Springs County Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC), County Planner Bo Bowman presented an application for Kurt & Lisa Shaffer, aka Shaffer Development LLC, to request approval of the following: 1. A Preliminary Subdivision Plat, dividing 36.1 acres into seven lots, ranging in area from 3.8 acres to 6 acres; 2. A Land Use Change from Agricultural to Residential, for proposed lots 1 through 6; 3. A Land Use Change from Agricultural to Commercial, for proposed Lot 7. The...

  • Get signed up for work-ready boot camp

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 23, 2023

    The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a “Work-Ready Boot Camp” that will train youth workers, aged 14-18, on the soft skills they need to be successful in the workplace. Classes begin Monday, April 3, and will meet once a week for six weeks 6-8 p.m. The course will cover communication, enthusiasm & attitude, teamwork, networking, problem-solving & critical thinking, and professionalism. Chamber CEO Meri Ann Dorman gained inspiration from Cody Chamber Executive Dir...

  • Stitchers donate quilts

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 23, 2023

    The Silver Stitchers quilting club has donated 24 handmade quilts to the Thermopolis Police Department and the Hot Springs County Sheriff’s Office. Organizer Kathy Peterson gained inspiration for the project by learning on the internet about some quilters from back east who donated items to law enforcement. Peterson asked Sheriff Jerimie Krauhaar if they already have any quilts and found out they have none. The purpose of these quilts is to use them for children, babies, and or preteen c...

  • Town council asked to revisit allowing chickens in town limits

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 16, 2023

    At the February 7 Thermopolis Town Council meeting held at the Town Hall, Mayor Adam Estenson said that there was no action taken on the following presentation. Darren Butcher returned to the council and gave another presentation for his advocacy to have chickens be legal within the town’s boundaries. Butcher told a story that highlights a “difference between livelihood and lifestyle.” There were no questions asked after the presentation. A letter to the editor from Butcher appears on page...

  • Hot Springs Health to implement team meetings

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 9, 2023

    At the January Hot Springs Health board meeting, CEO Scott Alwin congratulated pharmacy tech Kristina Nading for passing her exam to become licensed. Dr. Mattson Mathey gave the medical staff report and said, “We have had a couple of months now of a standing report from the clinical informatics team, which has been quite helpful to the providers with server merge with the hospital and clinic system and some other IT projects going on here.” Mathey also relayed about the compliance committee and...

  • Chamber hosts youth work ready boot camp

    Jurri Schenck|Feb 9, 2023

    The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a “Work-Ready Boot Camp” that will train youth workers, aged 14-18, on the soft skills they need to be successful in the workplace. Classes begin Monday, April 3, and will meet once a week for six weeks 6-8 p.m. The course will cover communication, enthusiasm & attitude, teamwork, networking, problem-solving & critical thinking, and professionalism. Chamber CEO Meri Ann Dorman gained inspiration from Cody Chamber Executive Dir...

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