Sorted by date Results 126 - 150 of 631
At the February 20, the Thermopolis Town Council meeting, Town Clerk/Treasurer Tracey Van Heule presented a budget adjustment, which included some salary adjustments and other to satisfy auditors in their accounting. The council voted and passed the approval of the budget adjustment. During citizen participation, Meri Ann Dorman, representing Main Street Thermopolis, presented a request for street closure for their Brewfest event on June 1. The closure would be on Broadway Street between 4th...
The Owl Creek Irrigation District (OCID) is constructing a new pumping station. Matt Brown is part of those leading the effort in its construction. Brown said that the OCID is a taxable entity which enables them to pursue grants. The OCID is made up of three areas, which include the upper area, the middle area, and the lower area, which is from Mike Messenger's property to the Big Horn River. The pumping plant where the new project work is being done supplies water to the lower area. Brown...
The organization BCR Initiatives is spearheading a ballot initiative and signature campaign for exempting 50% of the assessed value of residential property tax of owner-occupied homes statewide. BCR stands for Brent (Bien), Cheryl (Aguiar), and Rich (Weber) who are leading the effort. They are currently collecting signatures from voters from all over the state and verifying them by comparing them to voter rolls. Chairman Brent Bien explained the background of how and why their organization and...
At the February 6 Thermopolis Town Council meeting held at Town Hall during citizen participation, Tonya Petty presented herself to the council and said, “Months ago, after the special prosecutor’s report came out, you stated that policies and procedures were being reviewed by an outside source. Is that a correct statement? Was that to update and improve upon them or just to review them for that specific case?” Mayor Adam Estenson replied, “Seeing that the review is still in place, we’re n...
Chairman Tom Ryan was absent at the February 6 Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting. Vice Chair Phil Scheel presided over the meeting and disposed of Robert’s Rules of Order in order to conduct business with Commissioner Paul Galovich. Ardurra’s Brian Clarkson and Maddie Ross provided the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) update and said they provided an Open Data Tutorial to new HSC County Planner Les Culliton. They had an in-person meeting with Culliton and discussed existing app...
At the February 8 Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce board meeting, CEO Meri Ann Dorman discussed the coming board nominations and the annual board meeting in April. In May, they will begin the election process and in June they will announce the new board members and elect the executive board for the next fiscal year. Dorman and the board discussed the Economic Task Force which had a meeting last year. Dorman said, “My goal was to get all of the entities in the room and talk about w...
Hot Springs County High School junior Zane Stam, 16, competed at the State Championship Powerlifting Meet on January 27. Stam lifted a total of 460 kgs, which amounts to over 1,000 pounds. He did three different lifts, which included squat, bench, and deadlift, with three attempts in each lift. Stam won the state championship for his age and weight class and has qualified for nationals in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on April 4. Regarding Stam's mindset during his competition, he said, "I was just...
At the January 30 Hot Springs Health board meeting, during special introductions, CEO Scott Alwin introduced Mia Barreda and a new physician assistant from West Virginia, who is working in the Emergency Department. Second, Alwin introduced nurse Ann Strenger, who is now the clinic director. Alwin also presented Neil Todhunter a plaque recognizing his dedication and years of service to Hot Springs Health. Dave Studebaker of Eide Bailey presented their audit of Hot Springs Health and said, “The p...
On January 26, four Thermopolis Middle School 8th grade students all won first place awards at the Powell regional science fair, each in their own categories. Jaelyn Steadman, Mac McCumber, Orion Jenks and Brian Weaver all brought home wins. Science teacher Aimee Kay said, “I’ve never done a science fair before in my 29 years of teaching. I told the kids we started back at the end of November. The kids have been coming in on Tuesday mornings to do their projects. Heather Love, my student teacher...
At the January Hot Springs County Travel & Tourism board meeting, Jackie Dororthy gave the director’s report and commented on plans for marking that this year is the 100th anniversary of the Yellowstone Highway and the tunnels opening near the south entrance of the Wind River Canyon. Dorothy said “I have met with WYDOT and they are excited for the project. Shannon Watts is creating the map using Google Earth and the stickers will be an old school style. He will also create a brochure as a map...
On Sunday, January, 21 at 6:16 a.m., the Thermopolis Police Department discovered a traffic accident that occurred in Hot Springs State Park causing damage to the Big Springs canal. The vehicle was removed from the small canal and the 25-year-old driver from Lander was cited by Thermopolis PD and Hot Springs State Park Rangers. There may be further citations pending from HSSP Rangers. As a result of the accident, damage was done to the original stonework of the canal's wall and to the Wyoming...
At the January 16 Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting, they voted and passed the approval to sign a letter of support regarding the HSC Shooting Complex Committee Proposal Submission. Commissioner Paul Galovich explained that the committee is getting ready to issue a pre-RFP that is due by March 1. A final RFP will be due by April 1. This is how the state will process their decision making in choosing a location for the shooting complex. A task force of 11 members, which is comprised...
On January 16, the Thermopolis Town Council held a brief meeting at Town Hall. Town attorney Marshall Keller presented for its first reading an ordinance enacting parking restrictions on 5th Street between Broadway Street and Warren Street. The Farmers Market operates from June 1 to October 1 on Saturday mornings. The vendors cannot put up tables in the designated area if vehicles are parked there. According to the ordinance, parking on 5th Street during Farmer’s Market, it shall be and h...
At the January Land Use Planning Commission meeting, County Planner Les Culliton presented applications to the board from Jeffrey Powell for a Land Use Change and Minor Subdivision and from Daniel and Leila Porath for a Land Use Change, from Agricultural to Commercial for short-term rental of cabins. For Powell’s application, Culliton said he had originally requested a minor subdivision of 37.64 acres into five lots of various sizes. It is described as Northwest Quarter (N ½ NW ¼) lying Sou...
Stars & Pipes, LLC is hosting a Gun Show on January 26-27 from 3-7 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday at the HSC Fair Building at 627 Springview. They plan to make the show an annual event. Admittance is $2 per person. Event organizer Bradyn Harvey said, “We just wanted to bring back a gun show to Thermopolis. There hasn’t been one here in a while and we saw a need, so we wanted to fill it.” They had 35 tables available and they are all spoken for. Harvey added, “The importa...
Mother and father, Cyndal and Cameron Burrows, welcomed their daughter Amelia Koda Burrows as the first baby born in 2024 at Hot Springs Health on January 9 at 4:27 p.m. Amelia was 19 inches long and weighed 6 pounds, 2 oz. Dr. Hallie Bischoff helped perform the delivery, her sixth first baby of the year in a row. Regarding the birth, Cyndal said, "Everybody said it would take a day. It did not take a day. We came in hoping to have her today because two years ago, today's the day he proposed to...
At the January Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce board meeting during the Director’s Report, CEO Meri Ann Dorman said regarding the task force for the potential shooting complex they want to emphasize training into the components of the proposal. Dorman will ask the Hot Springs County Commissioners for an official letter of support. Dorman added, “I believe we have a solid proposal,” and that Hot Springs County is “the best place in the state” for the shooting complex. In old business,...
At the January 2 Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting held at the Annex building, for the 2024 reorganization, the commissioners voted and passed the approval of the following: Tom Ryan and Phil Scheel were re-elected as Chair and Vice-chair, respectively. The meeting dates are the first and third Tuesdays of the month, with meeting times at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., respectfully. The Independent Record was reappointed as the county’s official paper. The special areas of responsibility a...
The Thermopolis Town Council held a brief meeting on January 2 at the Town Hall. During the approval of the bills, there was a discussion about spending on tires for several vehicles. Council member John Dorman Sr. asked if they could have been purchased locally. In the discussion, it was noted that the tires were more affordable out of town. Town engineer Anthony Barnett reported that they are renewing the sewer plant discharge permit. The cost is $200 a year. Barnett requested $1,000 for...
At the December 19 Hot Springs County School District #1 board meeting, during the public comments section, Bob Aguiar came to speak about academic statistics and transportation. However, Chairman Skelton asked which agenda item Aguiar wanted to address. Per their policy rules, public comments must be related to topics on the agenda of the meeting. Aguiar said, “Transportation. Is that on your agenda tonight?” An unidentified person said, “No.” Trustee Nicole Weyer added, “You can always as...
At the December 19 Hot Springs Health board meeting, CEO Scott Alwin gave his report and said, “In reviewing the Organizational Chart, rather than replacing the Chief Physician’s Clinic Officer, we are adding a Chief Quality and Compliance Officer to the Executive Team. We will conduct interviews within the week.” Alwin also said CFO Kevin Benson departed from his position on December 8. His replacement, Gregory Brickner, as Interim CFO, began on December 11. Alwin added, “We are adjusti...
At the December 19 Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting, the commissioners went into executive session at the beginning. Afterward, the board reconvened into regular session, where they voted and passed the approval to appoint Kristina McNeff to the District Court Clerk position for Hot Springs County. The previous District Court Clerk, Terri Cornella, retired on December 1. The commissioners voted and passed the approval of the Professional Services Agreement with Ardurra for...
At the December 20 Hot Springs County Travel and Tourism board meeting held at the Quality Inn, Treasurer Audra Dominguez gave the financial report and said their most recent lodging tax revenue deposit was $17,631.37. This amount was down 21% compared to the previous year that month. Also, during a discussion about their budget, the board voted and passed the approval to authorize director Jackie Dorothy to ask the State of Wyoming to investigate if the state would coop in the cost of printing...
At the December 5 Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting, the commissioners voted and passed the approval of the AP warrant for $689,684.61 and payroll for $200,548.29. Commissioner Phil Scheel recused himself for the work done by Tumbleweed Propane. Brian Clarkson of Ardurra gave the Geographic Information System (GIS) report and said that they are adding LiDAR to the Road & Bridge applications. LiDAR is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure...
People for People and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church will sponsor a free Christmas dinner on Monday, Dec. 25 at 12:30 p.m. until 2 p.m. Anyone is welcome. The food will either be delivered or you can eat in. The meal will be served at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 632 Arapahoe. Sign up sheets are available at Public Health, 117 N. 4th Street; Help Center, 426 Big Horn Street or you call the Senior Center at 864-2151; the Episcopal Church 864-3629 or the Chamber of Commerce,...