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Articles written by durward d. jones

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  • Runners show their talent on home course

    Durward D. Jones, Reporter & Photographer|Oct 8, 2015

    The Bobcats hosted a cross country meet at Thermopolis Golf Course Friday. There was huge support from families and friends of the Cats. The middle school girls slipped from their 1st place hold down to 3rd place. Still showing the competitors what it means to be a Bobcat, Tahja Hunt ripped through the course coming in 1st with a time of 11:06. McKenna Bomengen was not far behind placing 4th with a time of 11:30. "Our TMS kids have continued to improve this season and we are looking forward to...

  • Join Friends of the Library

    Durward D. Jones|Oct 8, 2015

    October 18-24 is National Friends of the Library Week. They sponsor many things locally for the Hot Springs County Library, ranging from book sales to a baby book for the first baby born in the New Year. They are on the look out for imaginative and creative new members to strengthen and promote the Friends of the Library. Membership is $10 per individual, $15 for a family and $25 for a business....

  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    Durward D. Jones|Oct 8, 2015

    The month of October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The H.O.P.E. Agency wants to bring the issue of domestic violence forward for people to be aware of and understand it is in our community. The H.O.P.E. Agency in our community is here to help prevent, educate and talk about domestic violence and the consequences it has. They want to empower victims of domestic violence with the ability to talk about it. Through talking, the ability is there to change it. Above all, the need to learn... Full story

  • Community Home Health at new location

    Durward D. Jones|Oct 8, 2015

    Community Home Health has moved to a new location at 717 Broadway. With over six years of service, they are ready to provide help with many rehabilitation needs. They are available to help patients recover from an injury or illness in the comfort of their own home. They offer many services such as equipment loans where patients can receive a walker or wheel chair. They also offer their services all across the area including Worland, Basin and Tensleep Contact Community Home Health for more...

  • Homecoming highlights

    Durward D. Jones and Chandler Smith|Oct 8, 2015

    Junior Maggie Ryan leaps into the air during the air band competition; Members of the 2A State Champions Bobcats golf team shave coach Jacob Smith's head during community pride night. Clemens Abbott peacocks across the floor during dodgeball skirmish between classes. Homecoming royalty including freshman attendants Chase White and Jaden Schierkolk, sophomore attendants Noah Schwalbe and Emmie Coyne and junior attendants Logan Bartholomew and Taylor Nuttall are presented to students during...

  • Lights On offers students hands on horse time

    Durward D. Jones|Oct 8, 2015

    Two days a week students of the Thermopolis Middle School have had the opportunity to get up close and personal with a horse. Many of the students have never been around a horse let alone ride one. The Lights On program, with the support of Nate and Macile Brown of Horse Works Ranch, have given the students such an opportunity. The students learn from the ground up, starting with respect for the horse to saddling up and riding. Stressing safety and to be cognizant of everything that is going on...

  • Bobcat golfers win State 2A Championship

    Durward D. Jones|Oct 1, 2015

    Hudson Roling, Caleb DeCroo, Jake Maksin, Logan Bartholomew and Will DeVries took home the championship title in 2A golf after battling it out at the Wright golf course. Coach Jacob Smith said they came ready to play their best. “Wright is a tough nine hole course, and the mandatory drop zones all over the course made it even more difficult.” While some golfers felt they fell short as a player, coach Smith said he could not be happier with their performance and team cohesion. After the cel...

  • French national set free after taking Alford plea

    Durward D. Jones|Oct 1, 2015

    The Hot Springs County District Court jury trial of French national Gilbert Vieira for first degree sexual assault concluded Friday, Sept. 25 after five days. Vieira was held in the Hot Spring County Detention Center since March, 2015 after being arrested following an incident at a local hotel. Jury selection started Monday, Sept. 21 with the trial expected to last for two weeks. Half way through the trial, Vieira took an Alford plea. An Alford plea is when the defendant does not admit guilt...

  • Astronomy for everyone

    Durward D. Jones|Oct 1, 2015

    All it takes is a single glance into the night sky to see how lucky we are to have such an amazing view. The Hot Springs County Library brought in a special guest to talk about our beautiful skies. Dr. Kevin Manning astronomer, author and national speaker, took the time to speak at the library about the celestial bodies hiding in the night sky. When Dr. Manning was nine he saw the rings of Saturn for the first time and his imagination went wild. Traveling as a speaker allows him the opportunity...

  • TMS girls take first at Worland cross country

    Durward D. Jones, Reporter & Photographer|Oct 1, 2015

    Worland was the place, but it was the Thermopolis Middle School Girls who brought the heat. Winning first place with 42 points, edging out Cody with 45 points, Powell 74 points, Lovell with 78 points and Worland 86. With three star runners hitting in the top ten on their finish, Tahja Hunt, McKenna Bomengen and Emme Norsworthy are leaving the competition in the dust. The rest of the girl's team is not far behind, with Erica Meier just right at 11th and Jasmine Collins at 16th. All together they... Full story

  • Firemen plan events for prevention week

    Durward D. Jones|Oct 1, 2015

    Recognition of National Fire Prevention Week in Thermopolis was started many years ago by Barbra Moeller to educate children of the importance on how to react to a fire. After Moeller retired, the Volunteer Fire Department continued local activities during National Fire Prevention Week. This year it runs from Oct. 4-10. Reaching out to the public and going to the local schools to educate and teach important fire safety the Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department will be going to Risen Son School,...

  • HSCHS honors classes success

    Durward D. Jones, Reporter & Photographer|Oct 1, 2015

    Change is always something difficult to deal with. It is even more challenging to implement. Principal Scott Shoop was willing to bring that change to Hot Springs County High School with honors classes. Honor classes are a new concept for students, teachers and parents alike. Going into the second year of offering the classes, Shoop feels the results are starting to speak for themselves. Right now honors classes are being offered are for English and math. Shoop explained the program cannot...

  • Volunteers needed for mass dispensing exercise

    Durward D. Jones, Reporter & Photographer|Sep 24, 2015

    Hot Springs County Local Emergency Planning Committee has a lot to get done in the next couple of months. Chairman James Coates started the meeting with a need to conduct an exercise for this calendar year. Mary Gordon from Hot Springs County Public Health spoke of a Mass Dispensing Exercise for the Hot Springs County Public Health. She would need community participation, as many people as she can get to make the exercise beneficial. Residents will stand be issued fake medicine and have to fill...

  • School board reviews conflict of interest policy

    Durward D. Jones, Reporter & Photographer|Sep 24, 2015

    The Hot Springs County School Board began their September meeting as usual with the acceptance of the current agenda and then onto monthly celebrations. Thermopolis Middle School Principal Breez Longwell Daniels addressed the board, giving reasons why TMS secretary Brenda Cornwell was the August Staff Member of the Month because of her dedication to the students and the public. Superintendent Dustin Hunt also had great words for RWE secretary Susan Little, the September Staff Member of the Month...

  • Good News Club meets Tuesdays

    Durward D. Jones, Reporter & Photographer|Sep 24, 2015

    Some times a child needs a positive place, a safe place. Good News Club is a place for kids to interact, to learn about timeless themes and moral values. Meetings are Tuesdays at 5 p.m. at the Hot Springs County Library. Ages 5-12 are welcome. The Good News Club has a long history in Thermopolis, many people comment on how they remember the good times they had going to the Good News Club. They remember meeting at the old Middleton School on the intersection of Missouri Flat Road and Owl Creek...

  • Bobcat golfers defend home turf in tournament

    Durward D. Jones|Sep 24, 2015

    The two-day Bobcat Golf Tournament churned out great results with Hudson Roling and Kristina Nading taking first place. "The girls performed fantastic, setting personal scoring records and shaving tons of strokes from the first day to the second," said Coach Jacob Smith. "I couldn't be more happy with how the younger golfers played. It was a preview of a bright future of Bobcat golf. " This week the Bobcats head to Wright Wyoming to defend their state title. Eager to demonstrate some Bobcat...

  • Cross country teams perform well in Lander

    Durward D. Jones|Sep 24, 2015

    by Durward D. Jones The Bobcat Cross Country team did well in Lander, the Thermopolis Middle School girls team place 4th overall. The Hot Springs County High School girl's team placed 5th. With two Thermopolis Middle School athletes making the top ten, Tahja Hunt and Kenna Bomengen have worked hard to get there. The High School came in 5th, Coach Brenna Abel had this to say "Our two new boys, Kylar and Adam, had a great beginning race as they are starting to get in shape." Lander results Bobcat...

  • Scout jamboree develops skills

    Durward D. Jones, Reporter & Photographer|Sep 24, 2015

    We all can look back to a moment that changed our lives, an influence at the time that was invisible or unknown. Being part of a team, a group learning to work with others. Developing skills that last a lifetime. The Boy Scouts have boasted this for over 100 years. In that time span there have been many members who have joined the Scouts and even moved on to become Eagle scouts. Our community is no different. Last weekend the Boy Scouts held their annual Boy Scout Jamboree in the Hot Springs...

  • Council covers a lot of ground Tuesday

    Durward D. Jones|Sep 17, 2015

    With skillful execution of parliamentary procedure, the Thermopolis Town Council meeting was started. The agenda was approved with one change. A catering permit for Shorty’s Saloon for Octobrewfest to serve alcohol on the main street was granted. Alex McLean requested an application to close the street at the stoplight for the Homecoming Parade. The town needed to sign off on the parade to be able to turn around at the stoplight. Mayor Mike Mortimore signed the application so it can be passed o... Full story

  • Copper Mountain Fire

    Durward D. Jones|Sep 17, 2015

    The wild fires are getting closer to home. On Wednesday, Sept. 9, 70 acres of grass and sagebrush burned at the Jones Creek Basin on Copper Mountain. The fire was quickly under control as several special equipped aircraft left from Casper to fight the fire. These S.E.A.T (single engine air tanker) dumped an estimated 10,000 gallons of slurry onto the fire. Thermopolis's own volunteer fire fighters contributed five engines and the BLM added two more to the fight one from Worland the other from...

  • Travel and Tourism

    Durward D. Jones|Sep 17, 2015

    Opening the Travel and Tourism meeting on a positive note, Amanda Moeller reported that it was a record month for the tax deposit with an 18% increase over last year. This is the highest deposit in four years. She mentioned during the Craft Fair one of the venders had trouble finding a place to stay due to the local motels being booked up. With efforts to combine the Craft Fair, Folk Festival and Gift of the Waters was quite successful and if all the motels were booked then something was done...

  • Bobcat golfers host tourney

    Durward D. Jones|Sep 17, 2015

    Tournaments, tournaments and more tournaments! The Bobcat Golfers have been very busy playing the greens. On September 4 they had a chance to play the Hay Creek Golf Course in Wright. This gave them a heads up for the up coming challenges when they go back at the end of the month for the State Tournament. Coach Jacob Smith stated that, “While we didn’t perform as well as we wanted to as a team, we all got to see the course and are ready for another shot at it,” also mentioning that Caleb DeCro...

  • Cross Country performing well

    Durward D. Jones|Sep 17, 2015

    The Hot Springs Count High School Cross Country team has been busy. Last week’s Billings race had 123 participants. Jules Ward had a time of 18:37 and placed 4th. Stacy Lewis had a time of 23:11 and came in 88th Junior varsity had 255 participants. Chandra Maddock had a time of 23:41 and placed 83rd and Liz Rhodes came in with a time of 25:04 and was in 127th place. At the Sheridan meet varsity had 87 participants. Jules Ward had a time of 19:55 and came in 3rd place. Stacy Lewis paced 70th with...

  • Town Council talks water rate increase

    Durward D. Jones|Sep 10, 2015

    A ninety minute work session by the Thermopolis Town Council still did not yield an easy answer for the water rate increase. The council's goal is to make a fair increase and to have a reserve of funds for future maintenance needs of the water plant and system for the town. There was representative of the community in the audience. Margo Skaggs voiced her opinion for the increase. She had several concerns, one that the rate increase will not keep up with future inflation. Another concern she Ska...

  • Cross country team heads to Sheridan

    Durward D. Jones|Sep 10, 2015

    The Bobcat Cross Country team showed their resolve to cross the finish line at the Billings Invite Friday. Varsity had 123 participants and Bobcat Jules Ward came in fourth place with a time of 18:37. The 2A returning champ was the third Wyoming athlete to cross the finish line. Coach Brenna Abel said “The girls did a great job in Billings. We are starting to build for the state meet in Sheridan so these first few meets are building blocks to their training foundations.” The next meet will be...

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