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Articles written by cindy glasson

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  • Airport drainage project

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 28, 2018

    The Hot Springs County Commissioners discussed the ongoing issue of drainage at the Hot Springs County Airport during last week’s meeting, voting to go forward with granting the project to Owl Creek Excavation. The commissioners received funding, not to exceed $100,000 from the FAA to fund the project. The FAA has made $1 billion in funds available for small, non-primary airports across the country with funding at 100 percent. Hot Springs County is one of the airports on a priority list for t...

  • School board hears various reports

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 28, 2018

    Hot Springs County School District’s Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, June 19, starting the meeting with a report from Carolyn Conner, administrative director for NW BOCES. According to Conner, a new focus for them has been sharing with legislators the reasons behind the cost increases for the program to school districts. Conner said with cuts to monies normally received from the Department of Family Services, those shortfalls are now having to be picked up by the districts placing students w...

  • Big Horn Basin Football Camp

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 28, 2018

    Another Big Horn Basin Football Camp is in the books, held last weekend at LeRoy Hayes Memorial Field, one of the founders of the camp 29 years ago. According to camp director Heath Hayes, numbers were up this year with 162 athletes participating. "It wasn't a record breaking year," Hayes said, "but we had about 20 more players than last year." Along with individual training in offense, defense and special teams, the players had 7 on 7 competitions to try out the new skills they learned. What so...

  • Important information for voters

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 28, 2018

    Political season is in full swing with candidates' signs in yards and plenty of handshaking and talk about the issues, but are you registered to vote? If you aren’t a registered voter in Hot Springs County, the process is easy. Simply stop by the county clerk's office and fill out the necessary form. If your political leanings have changed, you will want to get your party designation changed as well. Of course, if you can’t find the time to stop in, you can also register the day of the Pri...

  • County valuation increases

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 28, 2018

    by Cindy Glasson The final numbers regarding the valuation for Hot Springs County have been released from the Hot Springs County Assessors Office, showing an 18.212 percent increase in value from 2017 to 2018. An itemized list shows locally assessed values at just over $50.7 million, state assessed (utilities) valued at a little more than $7.3 million. Railroads in the county have been assessed at $4.2 million and hard minerals come in at $2.8 million. Oil production for 2017 was just over...

  • Tips for top performance from your air conditioner

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 21, 2018

    You’ve probably moved from talking about how high your heating bills were this past winter to shuddering at the thought of what your air conditioning bills will be like with these high temperatures coming this summer. Don’t despair, there are some things you can do to not only keep that air conditioner or swamp cooler running well all summer, but even cut your bill a bit in the process. If you happen to have a swamp cooler, its a good idea to check the pads on all three sides to ensure they are...

  • Twister

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 14, 2018

    This funnel cloud was captured June 6 at approximately 6:30 p.m. from the high school parking lot looking southeast....

  • Be prepared

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 14, 2018

    Each year the National Safety Council sets aside the month of June as National Safety Month. Each week of the month focuses on a different aspect of safety and for 2018 the areas they’re stressing are emergency preparedness, wellness, falls and driving. The unusual weather this past week has been exciting for some, while others have been very concerned about the outcome of the rain, hail, lightning and yes, even tornadoes that seem to have been popping up out of nowhere. Emergency p...

  • Helping your garden survive the heat

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 14, 2018

    Even though the calendar indicates summer isn’t officially here, the temperatures certainly seem to say otherwise. That means we are into growing season with our backyard gardens and there are a couple of things we have to watch when it comes to having a good crop of goodies this fall – temperature and humidity. In Wyoming, we’re not susceptible to the problems of too much humidity for our plants since the average humidity during the summer months is aroung 60 percent in the mornings, but drops...

  • Water warnings

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 14, 2018

    Emergency Management Coordinator Bill Gordon gets a helping hand from officer Pat Cornwell in hanging a new sign on the Eighth Street bridge warning boaters and floaters of the danger of high water downriver. Residents and visitors are encouraged to check the river flows before entering the water....

  • Control weeds, pests this summer

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 14, 2018

    Wet weather combined with hot temperatures leads to the quick growth of weeds in your lawn and garden along with the onset of all kinds of pests that can wreak havoc with your plants. Hot Springs County Weed and Pest does their best to stay on top of both those nasty weeds and the pests that go along with them. They will coordinate with landowners in weed management zones to target specific noxious species of weeds. In addition, they conduct surveys and inspections throughout the county for...

  • Local races heat up with close of filing period

    Mark Dykes and Cindy Glasson, Editor and Reporter Photographer|Jun 7, 2018

    The political races in Thermopolis and Hot Springs County are heating up as more folks waited until the filing deadline last Friday to sign on the dotted line, putting themselves in the race. Some have remained the same on the county ticket as we reported last week, Daniel Webber for County Assessor, Jerry Williams for County Attorney, Terri Cornella for Clerk of District Court, Mark Mortimore for Coroner and Julie Mortimore as County Treasurer. However, your choices for the two open spots on the County Commission are now Tom Ryan, Steven...

  • Is Bird's Eye Pass a county road?

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 7, 2018

    The Hot Springs County Commissioners are going to spend the next couple of months reviewing information before making a decision on whether or not Bird’s Eye Pass is a county road. According to research done by Ray Shaffer, a stage stop was established there in 1906 along with several roads in the county. Of course, there was no funding available to improve the road at that time. The train arrived in Wind River Canyon in 1913 and the road went through in 1944, basically eliminating the need for...

  • Really miss those days

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 7, 2018

    “Inside every old person is a young person wondering what the heck happened.” I do think about this on occasion, like getting out of bed in the morning, knees popping, or when I try to do something I’ve done all my life and suddenly realize its not as easy as it used to be. I’m looking out the office window this morning and started thinking about what I would have been doing 40 years ago at this time. Wildcat Band. We were up and on the streets at 7 a.m., marching and twirling flags, blowing...

  • Trip to the historic Hole in the Wall

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 7, 2018

    You've read about it in history books. You've seen it in the movies. You've heard the tall tales. But have you actually ever seen the Hole in the Wall? I was fortunate enough this past weekend to join 46 other folks for a special tour of the "Den of Thieves" conducted by one of the premier historians of the area, Clay Gibbons. Our day trip to the Hole in the Wall began early, gathering to carpool in Thermopolis at 7:30 a.m. Once Gibbons arrived, we were off on a once in a lifetime adventure....

  • Thermopolis highway project planned

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 7, 2018

    The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) held a public meeting at the firehall last week to give details to the planned work on Hwy. 20 in 2020. According to WYDOT spokesman Cody Beers, the work will go to bid in 2019 and begin the spring of 2020. The work should be completed by the end of that summer's construction season. "The streets are coming apart," Beers said. "The sub-grade is getting bad. We're planning an overlay as well as fiixing the curbs and gutters at the corners to make...

  • Film crew visits Thermopolis

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 7, 2018

    by Cindy Glasson A film crew from A & E was in town late last week doing research and conducting interviews for an upcoming documentary series. The six part series is based on juveniles sentenced to life in prison and they are cris-crossing the U.S. investigating various cases including the James Wylie case from Hot Springs County. The crew did interviews with John Lumley, current Sheriff Lou Falgoust, County Attorney Jerry Williams, the first firefighter that entered the home and others during...

  • Farm to School program update

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 31, 2018

    In their continued quest to feed our school children healthier meals the Hot Springs County School District Board of Directors heard a report from Becky Martinez at Thursday night’s meeting about a Farm to School conference she and Hannah Brooks, middle school cook, recently attended. The conference, which was held in Cincinnati, showed Martinez that every Farm to School program in the country looks a little different and the pair came home with some great ideas for expansion of the middle s...

  • Last day of school fun

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 31, 2018

    Dallis Flores had a great time last week at the field day with his friends from Head Start. Rachel Johnson, teacher's aide, along with the other teachers had a variety of games for the little ones, from running races to ball tossing and frisbee, all of which were met with giggles and lots of energy....

  • In memoriam

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 31, 2018

    Trudy Lance gently drops a memorial wreath from the Park Street bridge in honor of our veterans on Memorial Day....

  • Dog day afternoon

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 31, 2018

    The Bobcat football team held a hot dog eating contest fundraiser last Friday afternoon. Anthony Vargas (standing) was the winner with nine dogs in four minutes....

  • Update on area river flows

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 31, 2018

    Hot Springs County Emergency Management Coordinator Bill Gordon reports the release from Boysen Reservoir was increased back to 3,000 cfs (cubic feet per second) between Sunday night and Monday morning. While things are flowing well here, the issue is actually in the Miles City, Mont. area, 320 miles from Wind River Canyon. The Yellowstone River is causing flooding in that area, so drainages up river from Miles City have been asked to cut back their flows to give the Yellowstone time to calm...

  • 3-on-3 fun

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 31, 2018

    Hundreds of people were on hand Saturday and Sunday in the high school parking lot for 3-on-3 action....

  • Theft may keep flags from flying on Memorial Day

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 24, 2018

    A sight that has become something of a staple in Thermopolis the last few years, Hawk's Avenue of Flags, may not be on display this Memorial Day due to the theft of four flags and poles. The theft was discovered on Monday when sometime between 6:30 a.m. and 7 a.m. a bag containing the flags, a note and $311.50 was found outside the VFW. The note said the theft occurred some time in January when the trailer that is used to store the flags was parked at Raptor's on Shoshoni. Signed by "A Single Mo...

  • Green grass and flowers galore

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|May 24, 2018

    Its time to pull out the shorts and tank tops! No, wait, jeans and a sweatshirt. Oh, let me grab my raincoat while I’m at it. Fickle Mother Nature in the spring, letting us wonder until the last minute what we need to bring with us when we leave the house in the morning. Having been born and raised here, I have realized keeping at least a sweatshirt and probably a rain jacket in my car year-round is a sound idea. And while we may be a tad frustrated at picking out a cute outfit the night b...

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