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Articles written by cindy glasson

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  • Hot Springs County budget approved

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    The Hot Springs County Commissioners approved the 2019-20 budget at a special meeting on Monday. A majority of the budget remains generally the same as 2018-19, but a few line items went up anywhere from $1,000 to less than $500,000. Some of the items that went up include the new airport, which had a couple thousand dollars added to its budget, bringing it to $114,384. Both the assessor’s office and the county attorney’s office gained a bit, along with the clerk’s office, coroner expenses, the c...

  • Oil production in county increases

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    Oil production numbers for Hot Springs County were released recently, showing a 9.5% increase in value from 2018. Total value to the county is $85,985,988 with oil coming in at an average of $40.85 a barrel. Production is slowly coming back after a dip in 2016 of 54% and 23% in 2017. Looking back on past production, which the treasurer's office has been keeping track of since 1977, the largest jump in production happened between 1980 and 1981 when it surged 133.53%. At that time, oil was just...

  • New dino at WDC

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    The Wyoming Dinosaur Center unveiled a new, permanent exhibit during a gathering last Friday evening. The story begins at least 140 million years ago, when "Lori" the dinosaur roamed the earth. The difference between Lori and the other dinosaurs, however, is that she's basically the size of a chicken, less than three-feet long and she has the honor of being the smallest dinosaur found in Wyoming. Hesperornithoides miessleri is her scientific name and she falls in with a group of meat-eating...

  • Brew at home

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    As part of Still Strollin' Saturday, Kent Shook, head brewer for One Eyed Buffalo was on hand at the museum to teach folks how to easily brew at home....

  • Welcome back HSCHS Alumni

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    They say there’s no feeling like coming home again and for the Alumni of Hot Springs County High School, this weekend is their opportunity to wave the Bobcat banner once again. Sure, people root for college teams and professional teams, everything from football and basketball to cricket and polo, but nothing says pride like cheering for your home team. I guess that’s why I always look forward to this weekend and all the memories it brings with it. Of course, sometimes you have to introduce you...

  • Uphill climb

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    The Tour de Wyoming headed out early from Thermopolis on Sunday morning starting their 365 mile journey....

  • Bump, set, spike

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    There was plenty of sunshine last weekend for the annual Gottsche sand volleyball tournament in Hot Springs State Park....

  • Commissioners give nod to GIS system

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    The Hot Springs County Commissioners held their second meeting for the month of July on Tuesday afternoon, hearing a report from Main Street Thermopolis President Suzanne Samelson. Samelson talked about the things Main Street has accomplished over the last few months, including the new flower beds near the flag pole downtown, new trash cans for downtown are being decided upon, and last week, the National President of Main Street was in town and members of the local group took her on a tour of...

  • Tight turn

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    A barrel racer at the Kick 'em Up Cans event at the fairgrounds last weekend pulls an amazing angle with her horse to get around the second barrel....

  • EPA requests additional information regarding Aethon permit

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    A formal letter from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) may send Aethon Energy back to the drawing board with their proposed permit for the Moneta Divide field. The EPA is a step above the DEQ in the chain of command so their requests for additional information and corrections will have to be adhered to. The requests could put off the permit for at least a year. The EPA said the permit application lacks clarity as to how the...

  • Dropping in for a taste

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    A sure sign of summer as a bee flies in for a landing on a sunflower to get a quick taste before heading back to the hive. All of the moisture we've had has made the flowers bloom like crazy, letting Mother Nature's little honey makers very happy....

  • High Country Cowboys

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 18, 2019

    An enthusiastic crowd enjoyed the July concert in Hot Springs State Park as part of the Sounds of Summer series. High Country Cowboy's three-part western harmony had folks dancing, singing along and tapping to the rhythm of western music from the good old days....

  • Still time to comment on Moneta Divide expansion

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 11, 2019

    Although the deadline has passed to send comments to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regarding the proposed drilling operation by Aethon Energy, comments will still be accepted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) until July 19. According to the permit application, millions of gallons of tainted water is slated to be dumped into Boysen Reservoir along with 2,161 tons of dissolved oilfield pollutants per month from the Moneta Divide oilfield if Aethon Energy is granted...

  • Summer activity going on at schools

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 11, 2019

    Maintenance and custodial staff at the Hot Springs County School District are keeping very busy this summer with various projects in preparation for the start of school. Maintenance supervisor, Jere Apland, said the largest project going on this summer is at the middle school where the roof is being replaced. Materials were unloaded on Monday and work began immediately. Weather delays put the roofing off for a bit, which considering the hail storm we had last week, it was a good thing. The...

  • Put your political views in your pocket

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 4, 2019

    Without a doubt, the political climate in our nation has been rocky at best over the past 10 years. Left, right, Republican, Democrat, it matters not which side of the aisle you’re on there is unrest in our country over which side is right. I have seen burning effigies of presidents. I have seen giant balloons depicting a presidential baby. Rumors and innuendo about both parties have run rampant during this last decade. In polite society we were taught not to discuss two things: religion and p...

  • Have a family plan for Boysen Dam failure

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 4, 2019

    One of the most devastating but least likely to happen disasters in Hot Springs County would be the catastrophic failure of Boysen Dam. Completed in 1952, the 220-foot tall earthen-filled dam was built for flood control and irrigation along with a 7,500 kilowatt hydroelectric power generation plant. Hot Springs County Emergency Management gives Boysen Dam a unique category in the list of threats to our county as the failure of the dam poses the highest risk of widespread, total carnage in the co...

  • Commissioners hear about State Transportation Improvement Program

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jul 4, 2019

    The Hot Springs County Commissioners had a busy meeting on Tuesday, starting with the monthly report from Nate Messenger, FBO for the Hot Springs County Airport. During June, Messenger logged 174 different operations at the airport and sold more than 1,200 gallons of aviation fuel and over 2,100 gallons of jet fuel. He started a deal with a new helicopter operation out of Worland to sell them jet fuel. Because they are planning to use as much as 2,000 gallons each month, Messenger gave them a...

  • Fireworks show set to blast off

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 27, 2019

    You’re going to want to pull out the lawn chairs and get ready for a spectacular fireworks show on the Fourth of July, presented by the Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department. According to John Fish, who has mastered the show each year for the past 25 years said this year is going to be very special. Funds raised so far for the event total $11,000, about the same as they had last year, but Fish said anyone still wanting to donate to the show may do so by dropping a check in the mailbox at the f...

  • Outdoor fun

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 13, 2019

    Dozens of folks participated in the Hot City Outdoor Day last Saturday in spite of cool, rainy weather. These young ladies were learning how to paddle board in the cooling ponds in Hot Springs State Park....

  • Jackpot show

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 13, 2019

    Tymber Eckley and Hallie Martinez participated in the Hot Springs Jackpot Showcase last Friday. Results were not available at press time....

  • Starfish

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 13, 2019

    Kids who came to Storytime last week got a special treat as they learned all about starfish courtesy of Gary and Tina Mlodzik. Each child also got to take home a book of their choosing....

  • Monument Hill

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 13, 2019

    Crews began working on the refurbishing of Monument Hill this week. They started with a little painting and will be reconstructing parts of the rock lettering....

  • Modern dance

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 6, 2019

    Friday evening's performances by Hot Springs Dance were exquisite, filled with beautiful music and wonderful dancers. The packed auditorium fully enjoyed a quality night of entertainment. See page 12 for more photos from the event....

  • Commissioners hear reports on airport, culvert, alley repairs

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 6, 2019

    Rainy weather is the most probable reason there was less air traffic at the Hot Springs County Airport this past month, according to FBO Nate Messenger. Messenger told the Hot Springs County Commissioners the decrease in activity affected the fuel sales as well, but assured them it was already way up for the month of June. There were a total of 124 operations at the airport during May, including five air ambulances with 740 gallons of aviation fuel and 367 gallons of jet fuel sold. Messenger...

  • Wyoming sees wettest May in years

    Cindy Glasson, Reporter Photographer|Jun 6, 2019

    We don't really want to say anything out loud, but it looks like the constant rain is finally over, at least as far as the National Weather Service can determine today. It's not hard to believe, but parts of Wyoming had the wettest May since 1960. Here in Hot Springs County we had an inch-and-a-half more rain in May than we normally do and we were five degrees cooler than normal, making 2019 the third coolest May on record. We were having winter storm warnings well into the middle of May, and ev...

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