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Some 13 cities and towns in Wyoming are reeling after the closure of one a main local business outlet. Shopko closed its general stores in Wheatland, Torrington, Newcastle, Greybull, Lander, Mountain View, Thermopolis, Worland, Powell, Buffalo, Douglas, Green River, and Afton in recent months, leaving customers in those towns scratching their heads about where are they going to go now for shopping and other needs? To cities the size of Cheyenne, Rock Springs, Laramie, or Sheridan, or Gillette, such a closure would be a problem but not a calamit...
With our nights getting longer and colder, this gives me an excuse to watch my favorite movies that take place in our state, feature our state or include themes about Wyoming. Here is my list of favorites: Most recently, the best movie of the year according to the Academy Awards was The Revenant, which has over-riding Wyoming themes with much of it filmed as if it were here. A very cold, wintry Wyoming was depicted. Other western movies dominate these selections. In Hollywood jargon, cowboy movies were often called “oaters.” Most of these on th...
Last week, we took our time cruising through that amazing labyrinth known as Wind River Canyon between Shoshoni and Thermopolis. The narrow towering walls staring down on you _sometimes through the sunroof _ can make a person feel pretty small. It took Mother Nature millions of years to carve that gorge through the Owl Creek Mountains, sometimes gouging out less than an inch a year. Over time, you get this impressive cut in the mountains. And how important is this cut? It is a primary route for folks trying to get north or south through west,...
Last week, movie nominations were announced for the annual Academy Awards and Wyoming was prominent in both the nominees and the passed over movies. But first, on a recent dark and cold night (-13), I was being forced to watch “American Idol” by my wife Nancy and, as is normal in our household, I was leafing through a magazine and checking items on my iPad. The latter drives her crazy for some reason. “You need to pay attention to what’s on TV,” she might say lovingly (or not so lovingly.) While leafing through an issue of Time, it was hard not...