Sorted by date Results 51 - 75 of 256
Main Street Thermopolis met July 28 to elect new officers and discuss Oktobrewfest. Treasurer Meri Ann Rush made a motion to elect Suzanne Samelson as President, Johnny Dorman as Vice-President, Shurie Scheel as Secretary and herself as Treasurer. Howie Samelson seconded the motion, and it was carried. The officers are to serve one-year terms from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Rush said things are coming along for Oktobrewfest. They have sent out sponsorship and vendor information, and the...
Elisa Daniels will be taking Jenny Davis' position as the Lights On Coordinator for the 2016-17 school year. Daniels said she is a graduate of Hot Springs County High School. She then graduated from the University of Wyoming in December 2013 with a bachelor's degree in sociology. She is currently working on obtaining her masters degree in school counseling at Adams State University, slated to graduate in May 2017. Daniels said she has worked with kids, specifically when she coached and worked...
The Lights On Afterschool program will be making significant changes during the 2016-17 school year due to budget cuts. The biggest change for Lights On for the 2016-17 school year will be the elimination of the program on Friday afternoons. Another change to the program will be a limited summer schedule following the school year. Lights On will update parents in the spring regarding the finalized summer schedule. Former Lights On Program Director Jenny Davis said there were more budget cuts a...
by April S. Kelley The Hot Springs County School District approved the 2016-17 fiscal budget, talked about the October accreditation meeting and shared experiences at PLC (Professional Learning Communities) conference at a meeting on July 19. Business Manager Chauncey Johnson presented the budget to the board, noting that at the time of the board meeting he did not have the final information for the major maintenance fund or the capital projects fund. He said he will present this information to...
The Hot Springs County oil sales volume and gas sales volume has remained steady from 2015 to 2016, however the taxable value of both oil and gas has gone down significantly during the same time period. For January 2015, the sales volume of oil was 208,455 barrels and the taxable oil value was $5,913,489. For February 2015, the sales volume of oil was 182,121 barrels and the taxable oil value was $5,979,367. For March 2015, the sales volume of oil was 199,028 barrels and the taxable oil value wa...
Friends of Hot Springs State Park and Legend Rock was launched on July 4. President of Friends of Hot Springs State Park and Legend Rock Barb Vietti said this is a group that started several years ago and it has taken time to get it up and running. Prior to the formation of the group, contributions made to Legend Rock or Hot Springs State Park were deposited into the general fund of the State of Wyoming. The formation of the group is an effort to keep those funds local, to benefit Hot Springs...
Several county funded agencies including Thermopolis Economic Development, the Hot Springs County Counseling Services, the Chamber of Commerce, the Hot Springs Crisis Line, the Soil Conservation District and Predator Management were allotted no funds from the county despite requests for the 2016-17 budget year. Thermopolis Economic Development had the biggest budget cuts from the county for the 2016-17 fiscal year. For the 2015-16 budget year, Thermopolis Economic Development received $20,000....
The annual Relay for Life, benefitting the American Cancer Society, will be held Aug. 12-13 downtown in conjunction with the Second Friday ArtStroll. This year’s theme is Paint Your World Purple. A caregiver and survivor dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 12 near Bicentennial Park. Relay for Life Event Leader Jessica Slagle said the Relay for Life does great things for the community. “The American Cancer Society provides programs to everyone who is struggling with cancer, whether it’s diagn...
Fifth grader Hannah Andreen flew to Washington D.C. to attend the 2016 Kids' "State Dinner " at the White House, after being one of 56 students across the nation chosen after participating in the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge. The Healthy Lunchtime Challenge & Kids' "State Dinner" is a competition for students aged 8-12 to create an original, healthy, affordable recipe in support of First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative. Hannah made a chicken and veggie salad for Cassie Hetzel's...
County Clerk Nina Webber tests voting equipment for the upcoming election. Administrative Assistant to the County Commissioners Penny Herdt watches the testing. Chuck Carver (not pictured) was also present at the testing. Webber said the voting equipment is tested every two years before both the primary and general election....
The three main realty companies in Hot Springs County — Remax All-Star Realtors, Properties West and RoundTop Real Estate — said there have been few dips in the market despite the economic downturn in not only Hot Springs County but in Wyoming. Remax Under Contract Coordinator Buddy Rangel said sales have even gone up. “Last year, 178 total transactions were made in Hot Springs County and 96 transactions by this time,” he said. “So far this year, we’ve had 120 transactions. For our office, tha...
Filing dates for school board trustees, fire protection districts, cemetery district and the conservation district are coming up from Aug. 10 till Aug. 29. The Hot Springs County School District has openings for four trustees to serve four-year terms. One district director to serve a four-year term is needed for the Hot Springs Rural Fire Protection District. The Hot Springs County Conservation District is seeking one at large district supervisor to serve a four-year term, one rural district...
The McWilliams Equestrian Center held an open house Saturday to present demonstrations designed to explain Equine Assisted Learning and Therapy that they are now offering - two of which were hippo therapy and therapy for soldiers who suffer from PTSD. Hippo therapy helps provide physical therapy and kinetic skill development for mentally and physically challenged individuals. It is designed with a team of professionals and a therapy horse. It helps clients to develop core body strength and...
The Thermopolis WJRA (Wyoming Junior Rodeo Association) Rodeo is hitting town at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 30 and 9 a.m. Sunday, July 31. Shawna Farrell said this year they are expecting 75-80 contestants, aged 4-16. “There are rodeos all over the state all summer long,” she said. Farrell said the state finals will be held Aug. 20 and 21 in Glenrock. Entries for the rodeo will be taken from 5-9 p.m. on Monday, July 25 by calling 307-921-0729, Farrell said. “Local kids are welcome,” she said. ...
Gottsche physical therapist and dance instructor Tess Slapper took two groups of dancers to perform for the seniors at the Wyoming Pioneer Home. Slapper said two different classes performed. "The first was a Creative Movement class, made up of 3-5 year-olds," she said. "They performed two songs - 'Peanut Butter Jelly Time' and 'Return to Winnie the Pooh Corner.'" The other class that performed was a Jazz class for ages 6 and up, Slapper said. "Most of the girls, and one boy, performed for their...
The Hot Springs County Recreation District has begun registration for youth football, youth volleyball and adult league volleyball. Youth football registration dates are now through Aug. 8. No registration will be accepted after Aug. 15 unless registration is extended. Registration received Aug. 10-14 will be charged a late fee. The youth football league is for first through sixth grades. Fees are $35, plus a $55 equipment deposit. The equipment deposit will be returned at the end of the season...
Hot Springs County Commissioners held a special meeting Monday to hold a public hearing regarding the budget for fiscal year 2016-2017, wherein the finalized budget was approved. Chairman John Lumley opened the floor for public comment regarding the proposed budget for 2016-2017. Vice-Chairman Tom Ryan said the treasurer handed him numbers with the total cash available at $5,067,875,520. He also commented that $10,000 was added for the soil conservation district. He said between those two...
The 300th Armored Field Artillery Battalion held their final reunion at Stones Throw on July 12. Many living members of the 300th Battalion and their family members attended the reunion. The 300th Armored Field Artillery Battalion fought in the Korean War, with the Battery "A" Personnel activated for Korea on Aug. 14, 1950. In February of 1951, some of the Battalion shipped out of Thermopolis via train to fight in the Korean War. Upon returning from the war, the unit held yearly reunions, the...
The Red Dirt Master Gardeners Tour will begin at 6 p.m. Friday, July 29 at the Community Garden, located across the street from the hospital. President of the Hot Springs County Red Dirt Master Gardeners Becky Hutson said the event will end around 8 p.m. “We’ll start at the Community Garden, where we hope to have several of the community gardeners explain what they’ve been growing,” Hutson said. “Then, we’ll load up and visit three more gardens that we are hoping to tour.” Though Hutson said t...
The Thermopolis WJRA (Wyoming Junior Rodeo Association) Rodeo is hitting town at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 30 and 9 a.m. Sunday, July 31. Shawna Farrell said this year they are expecting 75-80 contestants, aged 4-16. “There are rodeos all over the state all summer long,” she said. Farrell said the state finals will be held Aug. 20 and 21 in Glenrock. Entries for the rodeo will be taken from 5-9 p.m. on Monday, July 25 by calling 307-921-0729, Farrell said. “Local kids are welcome,” she said. ...
On Sunday, July 17, the 355-mile 20th Anniversary Tour de Wyoming began. Participants will travel the total mileage in only six days via bicycle. Tour de Wyoming began in 1997 with only 45 riders, and has since expanded to 300 riders and 50 volunteers. Participants Ron Philips and Kevin Mahoney are the only cyclists from Thermopolis to bike around the state this year. Philips explained that registration opened in March and was not only full in 20 minutes but had so many registered that...
The Spring 2016 statewide testing results were released last week by the Wyoming Department of Education. The results show each grade level’s proficiency in math, reading and science in comparison to 2015 scores. In the Hot Springs County School District, Ralph Witters Elementary and Thermopolis Middle School have taken the PAWS test. In grade 3, 9.43 percent of students performed below basic in math and 16.98 percent in reading. Students performing basic occurred in 30.19 percent in math and 3...
Cowboy Coffee opened last Tuesday to provide locals with a drive-in coffee alternative. Owner Charlene Anderson said she has always wanted a coffee shop. “I thought maybe we needed a drive-in coffee shop on this side of town,” she said. Cowboy Coffee opens at 6 a.m. and stays open till around noon. Anderson said she may extend the hours in the future, possibly staying open till as late as 6 p.m. Depending on how well she is able to keep the stand insulated, she said she may extend the bus...
The Wyoming Department of Transportation visited Tuesday to discuss a state transportation improvement program. District Engineer Shelby Carlson said new 70 mph speed limit signs are being installed on Wyoming highways. Carlson said the 2016 Legislature passed a law declaring the speed limit for state highways at 70 mph. Statewide, approximately 3,370 miles have been converted. WYDOT has also been installing warning and cautionary signs. WYDOT is also studying additional sections of the roadway...
Hot Springs County Sheriff Lou Falgoust and head jailer Beth Price defended the jail against Set Free Church Minister Frank Robbins’ allegations. Robbins and the jail have had many disagreements within the past year after a negotiation was made to allow Robbins to have a two-hour time slot allotted on Thursday mornings at 8 a.m. to visit with inmates. Hot Springs County Commissioners agreed to refund the $7,000 raised by the Set Free Church to help with improving the jail’s facilities at Rob...