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Articles written by april s. kelley

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  • Bobcat golfers play at home tournament

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 21, 2016

    The Bobcat golf team had two events last week, including a Riverton invite and their only home invite of the season. In Riverton, Coach Jake Smith said they only took four golfers. "The weather was hit and miss," he said. "We were having a 45 minute storm delay. We still had a good day competing against a lot of 4A teams." Scores were as follows for the Riverton invite: Hudson Roling – 82, Logan Bartholomew – 111, Colton Dobbins – 122 and Justin Jeffs – 122. The Bobcats' home game on Saturda...

  • Recycling suspended at the armory

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 21, 2016

    The Hot Springs County Recreation Department has suspended recycling at the armory for the time being. Recreation Director Brad Morrison said Riverton has issued a new protocol for recycling. Recyclable materials can no longer just be loaded up on a trailer every Friday and taken down. "What they are saying now is that they no longer accept glass," Morrison said. "They'll only take Type 1 and Type 2 plastics, and it has to be uncontaminated and pre-sorted." Type 1 plastics are polyethylene terep...

  • Local couple relocates diabetic-alert dog to Colorado

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 21, 2016

    Philip and Shurie Scheel helped to relocate a diabetic-alert dog to a loving, home with Jet Warren in Highland Ranch, Co., a suburb of Denver. Shurie said they adopted the dog - Timber - with the intent of retraining her and finding her a diabetic she could help. "We thought she should be placed back in training," she said. "Timber is a very unique dog and you can tell that just from being around her. She's a pet and a really awesome pet, but she's also more than that. You can tell that just...

  • Author John Davis discusses the trial of hired gunman Tom Horn

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 21, 2016

    Author, historian and working attorney John W. Davis, of Worland, presented his research on Tom Horn at the Hot Springs County Library on Thursday. Following the presentation, Davis signed copies of his books The Trial of Tom Horn and Wyoming Range War: The Infamous Invasion of Johnson County. "Horn is one of those people that is not admirable by any means but fascinating nonetheless," he said. "Horn did kill men - there's no doubt about it. He was a killer, but he had a remarkable amount of...

  • Life-long educator John Gores retires

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 21, 2016

    John Gores, the instructional facilitator for the Hot Springs County school district, will be retiring at the end of the 2015-16 school year, after a lifelong commitment to education. Gores said he came to Wyoming in Dec. 1975 chasing oil rigs to put himself through college. "I went from the oil rig to the classroom in two days," he said. "Thursday I was working out on a Parker oil rig and Monday I was Mr. Gores." He taught half a year in 1976 in Riverton before resigning in the summer of 1977...

  • Antiques Roadshow appraiser visits town

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    Antiques Roadshow star John Sollo visited Thermopolis on Saturday at Broadway Bygones where he appraised antiques brought into the store by local residents. Sollo said he was invited to do this event by his friend, Barb Heinze. "We've done all kinds of fun things today," Sollo said. "We've done a little bit of furniture - a little bit of everything to tell you the truth. I haven't found anything yet that people will be able to retire from - no Rembrandts, but I did see a lot of nice stuff and I...

  • Commissioners advance library $30,000, set public hearing on special purpose tax

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    The Hot Springs County Board of Commissioners held a special meeting Tuesday to discuss a special purpose tax initiative and set a date for a public hearing for the Hospital District Initiative as well as resolve the budget crisis involving the Hot Springs County Library. Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital CEO Robin Roling presented a resolution for consideration of a special purpose tax of one percent that would go toward the construction of new patient care areas as well as remodeling the...

  • Comments sought on HSSP Master Plan

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    The Hot Springs State Park seeks input regarding their 20-year master plan which will be released April 18. Director of the Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources Milward Simpson said this is a really exciting master plan that needs public input. “It is crucially important that the community feels like they have some input on the park,” he said. “In a sense, they are part owners of the park for helping to envision its future.” Simpson said he would love to see great input f...

  • Democratic caucus evenly split

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    Hot Springs County held its Democratic Caucus on Saturday at the Hot Springs County Library, resulting in one delegate representing Bernie Sanders and one delegate representing Hillary Clinton at the Wyoming Democratic Convention on May 28. Local delegates and alternates who will represent each candidate at the state level will be announced later this week, after receiving approval from the state. There were no votes for Roque “Rocky” De La Feunte and no uncommitted voters at the county cau...

  • Cardbirds at the ArtStroll

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    Terry Sani participated in the ArtStroll Friday evening with his Cardbirds & Creations. Sani said he has lived in Thermopolis for eight years. Originally from California, Sani built his first cardbirds in 1995 to use as dove decoys for dove hunting. His artwork has evolved from there. "I put the dove decoys on a barbed wire fence and hunted dove over them," he said....

  • Changing perspectives

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    There’s nothing quite like an equilibrium shift to put everything into perspective. Saturday evening, after a long day of covering local events — which were all enjoyable — I decided to hike up Roundtop Mountain. It was an area in town that I had yet to explore. Plus, after hearing Joe Doak’s “Growing Up in Thermopolis” presentation at the Hot Springs County Museum, I was even more curious about the mountain that my daughter constantly proclaims is a “volcano.” Doak mentioned how as a youth,...

  • Dinner and a movie

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    The Hot Springs County Library kicked off National Library Week on Tuesday night with a Dinner and Movie event. The library served chili with garnishes and beverages, and showed the 1971 classic drama "The Last Picture Show."...

  • Doak revisits childhood

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    Longtime Thermopolis resident, Joe Doak, presented "Growing up in Thermopolis" as part of the Hot Springs County Historical Society meeting on Saturday at the Hot Springs County Museum. Doak said as a referee he was not used to giving presentations. "I'm not used to talking to people like this," he said. "I'm used to people yelling at me." When he was growing up, Doak said everybody knew everybody and everybody knew his father was Alvy Doak. "It was quite interesting how many businesses this sma...

  • Emergency plans

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    Hot Springs County Commissioner John Lumley invited several county employees to visit in the Emergency Operations Center, next to the Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department. Lumley said he wanted county employees to tour the facility and be aware of equipment available in the event of an emergency as well as discuss what is still needed. The EOC is in dire need of a generator to power the building in the event of a power outage. There was also discussion of who might need keys to the building as...

  • Cookie jar auction Saturday

    April S. Kelley, Reporter & Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    Sandi and Maynard Bills will be holding a Cookie Jar Auction for their grandson Saturday, April 16 beginning at 6 p.m. at the VFW. Sandi works locally as a substitute teacher for the Hot Springs County School District as well as helping with the People for People Backpack Program. She also attends St. Francis Parish Catholic Church. Sandi said her grandson Ty Miller has Stage 3 Polycythemia Rubra Vera with JAK2 mutation. Ty was diagnosed with the disease at age 8 and is now 13. At Stage 3, Ty...

  • Bobcat golf season begins

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    The Hot Springs County High School golf team had their first tournament in Buffalo on Friday. Coach Jake Smith said it was a great first tournament, despite not being able to take a full lineup due to students being away during spring break. "The standout performance of the tournament was Jaxon Davis' score of 103, a personal best for him at a tough Buffalo course," Smith said. Other team members' scores included Hudson Roling with 80, Jake Maksin with 90, Eric Herold with 114, Cameron Cole...

  • Trike-A-Thon planned for Saturday

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    The Thermopolis Trike-A-Thon to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital will be held 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, April 16 at Hot Springs State Park Pavilion. In inclement weather, the event will be at the the fair building. "We are doing this as a fundraiser for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, which is a cancer research hospital for children," Sandy Dittmer, coordinator of the Trike-A-Thon and physical therapist at the Children's Resource Center, said. "The hospital doesn't charge...

  • Run, keg, run

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    The Gottsche Run Club partnered with One Eyed Buffalo Brewing Company to do a Keg Fun Run on Thursday. This was the second annual Keg Fun Run. The Gottsche Run Club has a fun run every Thursday in the spring and summer months at different locations in the community. Everyone is welcome to join the Gottsche Run Club and participate in these fun runs....

  • Public input sought for science standards

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    The Wyoming Department of Education seeks input on the 2016 proposed Wyoming science content and performance standards. Hot Springs County High School science teacher and director of technology London Jenks said the science standards have been developed by a committee of various stakeholders from across the state - teachers, parents, professionals, etc. - and it is part of Wyoming's process to open them up for public comment. "These comments will provide input for the State Board of Education...

  • FFA students compete at state

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    Hot Springs County High School FFA members attended the State FFA Convention April 4-7 in Cheyenne and Laramie, where they placed in several different categories. FFA advisor Britton Van Heule said in the meats category, they placed eighth out of 34. Participating in the meats category were juniors Logan Bartholomew, Ryan Bleak and Keegan Robbins. They were responsible for identifying 30 retail cuts of meat, yielding and quality grading six beef carcasses and placing six classes. The Hot Springs...

  • Wyoming state congressional candidates visit Thermopolis

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    Born and raised in Rock Springs, Ryan Greene is running as the only Democratic candidate for United States Congress in Wyoming. Greene has 18 years of experience working in Wyoming's energy industry through his family's business, Greene's Energy Group. Wyoming energy is one of Greene's most important political platforms and he hopes to see some changes in the upcoming election, he said. "Wyoming's got the same problems that we've had since I've been alive," he said. "We've got a boom-and-bust...

  • School board approves new hires

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    The Hot Springs County school board held a special meeting on March 6 to discuss staffing recommendations. The board accepted the resignation notice from Lisa Pierce as teacher effective at the end of her 2015-16 teaching contract. The board also approved the employment of Chauncy Johnson as business manager effective May 16, Shane Corpening as 2016-17 social studies teacher and Jessica Lee as 2016-17 secondary math teacher. All employment recommendations are contingent upon receipt of a clear...

  • District teacher of the year Catelyn Deromedi

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 14, 2016

    Thermopolis Middle School mathematics teacher, Catelyn Deromedi, won Teacher of the Year for the 2015-16 school year. "I was shocked that I won Teacher of the Year," Deromedi said. "I don't believe I deserve it anymore than anyone else in the district. I feel like everybody works their hardest every single day. It was definitely an honor to get the award. I hope that I can represent the Hot Springs County school district the best that I possibly can at the state level." Deromedi said she loves...

  • Budget crisis at county library

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 7, 2016

    The Hot Springs County Board of Commissioners were asked for funds to cover budget shortfalls at Hot Springs County Library because of budgeting mistakes. Library director Tracey Kinnaman said she was having trouble with her budget. She believed the amount she used for the 2015-16 fiscal year was prepared with incorrect numbers. The library's total budget should have been $264,146, Chairman Brad Basse said. He said the reserve amount of $20,000 should have been used as a line item in the budget...

  • Teacher of the Year, retirees honored

    April S. Kelley, Reporter and Photographer|Apr 7, 2016

    The Hot Springs County school district honored the 2015-16 Teacher of the Year and five retirees on Wednesday at the annual Teacher of the Year/Retiree banquet held at the Thermopolis Middle School. Sixth grade mathematics teacher Catelyn Deromedi was recognized as the 2015-16 Teacher of the Year. "Thank you so much for choosing me for this award," Deromedi said. "I'd like to thank the administrators who have guided me and given me all of the opportunities that you have and for letting me grow...

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